Page 136 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 136

Stated Bene ts
4. Following a no  ca on of an occurrence which could give rise to a claim in terms of this insurance, the Company shall at all  mes during and a er the insurance period, have access to the Insured Person’s medical records as held by the Insured.
Speci c Excep ons
No claim shall be payable if:
1. the Insured Person takes or has taken drugs intravenously or subcutaneously unless in the course of medical treatment as prescribed by a registered medical prac  oner;
2. it is directly or indirectly caused or contributed to by any medical condi on which was known or reasonably ought to have been known to the Insured Person and which has not been declared to and noted by the Company prior to the incep on of this insurance;
3. the Insured Person fails or refuses to promptly make himself available for examina on or the associated tests required;
4. the Insured Person is no longer in the employment of the Insured when the "HIV" posi ve diagnosis is made.
HIV/Aids Assistance
The Company will provide the Insured Person with HIV/Aids Assistance services in respect of all claims arising from Accidental exposure to HIV/Aids subject to the standard Terms, Condi ons, Provisions and Exclusions as stated in Annexure “2” a ached to the Policy Schedule. Such claims for Accidental exposure to HIV/Aids have to be reported to the emergency number provided within 24 (twenty four) hours of the Accidental exposure.
The emergency contact number is 0861 555 114
The following bene ts provided and processes are more fully described in the Annexure “2” to the Policy Schedule:
1. 24 (twenty four) hour access to the call centre for informa on, procedural instruc ons, advice and support;
2. appointment of a case manager, physician, or trained nurse;
3. counselling regarding the HIV exposure (if not previously done) and;
4. necessary medical protocol that needs to be followed.
Should the Insured Person be HIV posi ve at ini al tes ng no further assistance will be provided.
War risks
It is declared and agreed that Speci c Excep on 7 is deleted in its en rety;
1. the Company shall not be liable to pay compensa on in terms of this Extension for claims arising while the Insured Person is on service or duty or undergoing training with any military or police force;
2. this Extension may be cancelled at any  me by the Company giving 30 (thirty) days no ce in wri ng.
Temporary total disablement – sickness
This policy is extended to cover Temporary Total Disability of the Insured Person caused by sickness or disease of the body contracted and commencing a er the incep on of this Policy subject to all the Terms, Condi ons, Provisions and Exclusions of the Policy;
no compensa on shall be payable under this Extension:
1. in respect of sickness or disease for which the Insured Person had received treatment, or medical advice, prior to the incep on of this Sec on;
2. for sickness manifes ng itself within the  rst 30 (thirty) days a er the incep on of this cover;
3. for the  rst 30 (thirty) days of any period of disablement following sickness;
4. in respect of any Insured Person who has a ained the age of 65 (sixty  ve) years;
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 135

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