Page 138 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 138

Stated Bene ts
Serious illness means any of the following: (cont...)
7. Heart A ack
The death of a signi cant por on of the heart muscle due to inadequate blood supply to the relevant area. The diagnosis will include the following criteria:
7.1 a history of typical chest pain;
7.2 new ECG changes; and
7.3 eleva on of cardiac enzymes.
8. Heart Valve Surgery
The  rst occurrence of open or endoscopic heart valve surgery, performed to replace or repair one or more heart valves, as a consequence of defects that cannot be repaired by intra-arterial catheter procedures alone. The surgery must be performed a er a recommenda on by a consultant cardiologist.
9. Kidney Failure
End stage renal failure presen ng as chronic irreversible failure of both kidneys to func on, as a result of which regular renal dialysis must be ins tuted.
10. Loss of Hearing
Total and irreversible loss of hearing in both ears of all sounds as a result of chronic illness as evidenced and con rmed by medical audiometric and sound-threshold tests.
11. Loss of Speech
Total and irrecoverable loss of the ability to speak for a con nuous period of 12 (twelve) months due to disease to the vocal cords which is evidenced and con rmed by medical reports including con rma on of no prognosis of recovery.
Loss of speech shall mean the inability to make a comprehensible word or understandable verbal language.
12. Major Organ Transplant
The human to human organ transplant from a donor to the Insured Person of one or more of the following organs:
12.1 kidney;
12.2 heart;
12.3 lung;
12.4 pancreas; or
12.5 bone marrow;
but excluding the transplanta on of all other organs, parts of organs, or any other  ssue.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 137

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