Page 137 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 137
5. in respect of:
5.1 venereal or other socially transmi ed diseases;
5.2 congenital abnormali es and condi ons arising out of or resul ng there from;
5.3 any mental and/or nervous disorders, or any like condi on arising from or a ributable to stress or stress- related situa ons.
Serious illness
Should an Insured Person be diagnosed during the period of insurance as su ering from a Serious Illness, symptoms of which were not present in such Insured Person up to 12 (twelve) months before incep on of this Extension, the Company will pay the compensa on as stated in the Policy Schedule.
Stated Bene ts
Serious illness means any of the following:
1. Alzheimer’s
The deteriora on or loss of intellectual capacity or abnormal behaviour arising from Alzheimer's disease or irreversible organic disorders (excluding neurosis and any psychiatric illness) resul ng in signi cant reduc on in mental and social func oning and requiring the eventual supervision of the Insured Person. The diagnosis must be clinically con rmed by an appropriate consultant and con rmed by the Company's medical consultants.
2. Blindness
The total and irreversible loss of vision in both eyes but excluding blindness caused by accidental, violent, external and visible means.
3. Cancer
A disease manifested by the presence of a malignant tumour characterised by the uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells, and the invasion of normal surrounding ssue. All cancers diagnosed and treated by primary biopsy only, that is, not requiring any further surgical, medical (chemotherapy, and the like) or radio therapy, or other modali es are excluded.
The term "Cancer" also includes Leukaemia and Hodgkin’s Disease but excludes:
3.1 all skin cancers;
3.2 cancer–in-situ, including melanoma-in-situ.
4. Chronic Coronary Heart Disease
Open bypass surgery or open surgical treatment of coronary disease but excluding angioplasty and any other intra-arterial procedures.
5. Chronic Liver Disease
End stage liver failure as evidenced by all of the following:
5.1 permanent jaundice;
5.2 ascites; and
5.3 hepa cs encephalopathy.
6. Coma
A state of unconsciousness with no reac on or response to external s muli or internal needs, and where permanent neurological de cit is present, persis ng con nuously with the use of life support system which must include the use of a respirator for an inde nite period.
Page | 136 Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018