Page 139 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 139

Stated Bene ts
Serious illness means any of the following: (cont...)
13. Motor Neurone Disease
The unequivocal diagnosis of Motor Neurone disease, cer  ed by a consultant neurologist, with signi cant persistent progressive neurological de cit resul ng in a permanent inability to perform at least 3 (three) of 6 (six) of the Ac vi es of Daily Living:
13.1 Bathing: the ability to shower or bath;
13.2 Con nence: the ability to control bowel and bladder func on;
13.3 Dressing: the ability to put on or take o  clothing;
13.4 Feeding: the ability to get food from a plate into the mouth;
13.5 Mobility: the ability to get in and out of bed and a chair;
13.6 Toile ng: the ability to use the toilet to maintain personal hygiene.
14. Mul ple Sclerosis
Which is a disease characterised by demyelina on in the brain and spinal cord. The diagnosis must be unequivocal and made by a consul ng neurologist. There must be more than one episode of well-de ned neurological de cit with persis ng neurological abnormali es and with at least 25% (twenty  ve percent) impairment of func on. Diagnosis should be supported by con rmatory neurological inves ga ons, e.g. lumbar puncture, evoked visual responses, MRI (Magne c Resonance Imaging) evidence of lesions in the central nervous system.
15. Muscular Dystrophy
A degenera ve chronic and progressive disorder with signi cant persistent progressive muscular de cit cer  ed by a consultant neurologist, and which will be subject to a combina on of 3 (three) out of 4 (four) of the following:
15.1 family history;
15.2 clinical presenta on including absence of sensory disturbance, normal cerebro- spinal  uid and mild tendon re ex reduc on;
15.3 characteris c electromyogram;
15.4 clinical suspicion con rmed by muscle biopsy which con rms the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy.
16. Paraplegia
The total and irreversible loss of the use of both legs or both arms.
17. Parkinsons Disease
A degenera ve chronic and progressive disorder of the central nervous system caused by the insu cient forma on and ac on of dopamine, impairing motor skills and speech resul ng in muscle rigidity, tremor, a slowing of physical movement (bradykinesia) and, in extreme cases, a loss of physical movement (akinesia).
18. Stroke
Any cerebrovascular occurrence or accident which produces signi cant neurological sequelae las ng more than 24 (twenty four) successive hours and including infarc on of brain  ssue, haemorrhage, and embolism from an extra cranial source. Evidence of disabling permanent neurological de cit must be produced.
Diagnosed means
Diagnosis by a registered medical prac  oner, supported by clinical, Radiological, histological and laboratory evidence, acceptable to the Company.
Insured Person means
The person or persons speci ed in the Schedule.
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