Page 150 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 150

Unauthorised passenger's personal injury liability
The indemnity under Sub-Sec on B, notwithstanding Excep on 2 thereto, extends to cover the Insured's legal liability for death of or bodily injury to persons while being carried in or upon or entering or ge ng onto or aligh ng from any vehicle in contraven on of the Insured's instruc ons to their driver not to carry passengers. The limit of indemnity for any one occurrence shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule.
Vehicle hire (only applicable to private type motor cars and light commercial vehicles up to a GVM of 3 500kg)
If a comprehensively insured vehicle is stolen, hijacked or damaged and for which the Company accepted liability to compensate for, the Company will at their discre on pay to the Insured the equivalent rental cost of a replacement vehicle or arrange for a replacement vehicle;
1. Cost and capacity of vehicle rented:
1.1 the daily rental cost shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule;
1.2 the engine capacity of the hired vehicle shall not exceed 2 000 cc (two thousand cubic cen meters);
1.3 the carrying capacity of the hired vehicle shall not exceed 3 500kg (three thousand  ve hundred kilograms);
1.4 all delivery and/or collec on costs;
1.5 administra on costs chargeable by the vehicle hire company;
subject to a maximum of R1 500 (one thousand  ve hundred Rand) for each and every event in terms of 1.4 and 1.5 above.
2. Excluded costs (costs the Company shall not be liable to pay):
2.1 any deposits payable;
2.2 fuel used during the rental period;
2.3 parking fees, speeding  nes or  nes, toll or e-toll costs;
2.4 excesses payable to the rental company.
3. The rental period:
3.1 starts on the day the Company admits liability in terms of the original claim and agrees to the rental;
3.2 the rental period shall cease at the  me when:
3.2.1 the vehicle is recovered upon the  (and repaired if necessary) and returned to the owner;
3.2.2 the vehicle is repaired a er being damaged and returned to the owner;
3.2.3 the Company has discharged liability in respect of the loss su ered;
3.2.4 a er 30 (thirty) consecu ve days;
whichever occurs  rst.
Loss of use (only applicable to heavy commercial vehicles with a GVM in excess of 3 500kg)
If a comprehensively insured vehicle is stolen, hijacked or damaged and for which the Company accepted liability to compensate for, the Company will pay to the Insured the equivalent rental cost of a replacement vehicle;
1. Cost of the vehicle rented:
1.1 the daily rental cost shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule;
1.2 all delivery and/or collec on costs;
1.3 administra on costs chargeable by the vehicle hire company;
subject to a maximum of R1 500 (one thousand  ve hundred Rand) for each and every event in terms of 1.2 and 1.3 above.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 149

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