Page 153 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 153

but this shall not apply if the Insured was unaware that the driver was unlicensed and the Insured can prove to the sa sfac on of the Company that, in the normal course of business, procedures are in opera on to ensure that only licensed drivers are permi ed to drive insured vehicles;
any driver shall be deemed to be licensed to drive the vehicle if he/she is complying with the licensing laws rela ng to any of the territories referred to under Speci c Excep on 1.2.1 or if a licence is not required by law, or while such driver is learning to drive and is complying with the laws rela ng to learner drivers.
It is understood that for the purpose of Speci c Excep on 1, if the Insured is a company or close corpora on, the term Insured shall include any director or senior manager of such company or close corpora on.
2. The Company shall not be liable for any claim arising from contractual liability, unless such liability would have a ached to the Insured notwithstanding such contractual agreement.
If, during the currency of this Sec on, any driver's licence in favour of the Insured or their authorised driver is endorsed, suspended or cancelled, or the Insured or their authorised driver is charged or convicted of negligent, reckless or improper driving, no  ca on shall be sent in wri ng to the Company immediately upon the Insured having knowledge of such fact.
Vehicle security/immobiliser
1. If the Company speci es that a par cular type of security system must be installed in any insured vehicle stated in the Schedule of this Sec on, for the Insured to qualify for the  cover in terms of this Policy or if the Insured receives a security discount on any insured vehicle stated in the Schedule of this Sec on, the onus rests upon the Insured, in the event of the  of any such insured vehicle, to prove that the security system was installed, engaged and fully opera onal.
2. The Insured shall ensure that the service agreement with and/or recommenda ons made by the manufacturers and/or installers of any such security system are adhered to at all  mes. This includes regular self-tes ng or tes ng otherwise.
3. The Company shall not be liable in respect of any loss or damage arising from the  of such vehicle if the Insured:
3.1 fails to install any required security device or to engage and/or ac vate it prior to the the  of the vehicle;
3.2 cancels the service agreement;
3.3 fails to pay any subscrip on due in terms of such agreement.
In the event that the Company speci es that any tracking device must be installed in an insured vehicle, the Insured must make sure that the insured vehicle is linked up to the tracking services at all  mes and that the insured vehicle's tracking unit is opera onal and armed at all  mes.
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