Page 156 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 156

Motor Traders Risk
The vehicle as de ned in De ni ons may only be used for:
1. the business purposes of the Insured;
2. tui on provided by the Insured provided the learner driver is accompanied by a fully licenced driver who is the Insured, a member, director or employee of the Insured;
3. demonstra on including driving of the vehicle by the person to whom it is being demonstrated provided the driver is accompanied by a member, director or employee of the Insured and is fully licensed to drive a similar vehicle;
4. social, domes c and pleasure purposes by any person other than the Insured, a member, director or employee of the Insured, whether such use is incidental to the business or not;
the Company shall not be liable in the event of:
1. transit delivery or convoying by or on behalf of the Insured by any casual driver(s) or person(s) not wholly and regularly engaged in the employ of the Insured;
2. any vehicle as de ned being hired out or used as a taxi or for public or private hire;
3. racing, pace making, rallies, speed or  me trials or taking part in contests or driving in a match for a wager;
4. the carrying of fare-paying guests or passengers of a hotel, lodge or boarding house (including B&B's) or any relevant business if the Insured is the keeper or shareholder of such ins tu on;
5. the vehicle as de ned involved in the carrying of explosives;
6. the vehicle as de ned used outside the prescrip ons of the manufacturer or carry a load more than the prescribed load capacity or for which the vehicle has been constructed.
SPECIFIC EXCEPTIONS (applicable to Sub-Sec on A)
The Company shall not be liable to pay for any:
1. consequen al loss as a result of any other cause whatsoever;
2. money paid towards the upgrade of or extension of a maintenance plan or similar expense;
3. deprecia on in value whether arising from repairs following a De ned Event or otherwise;
4. wear and tear;
5. mechanical, electronic or electrical breakdown, failure or breakage;
6. damage to tyres:
6.1 by applica on of brakes; or
6.2 by road punctures, cuts or bursts; or
6.3 as a result of inequali es of the road or other surface or to impact with such inequali es;
damage to tyres is accompanied by damage to other parts of the vehicle;
7. damage to springs/shock absorbers due to inequali es of the road or other surface or to impact with such inequali es;
8. damage to the insured vehicle caused by or a ributable to the un-roadworthy condi on of the vehicle;
9. loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising from permanent or temporary dispossession resul ng from deten on, con sca on, forfeiture, impounding, na onalisa on or requisi on legally carried out by Customs, Police Services, Crime Preven on Units or any lawfully cons tuted o cials or authori es;
10. loss of or damage to accessories or spare parts by the  unless the vehicle is stolen at the same  me;
11. defec ve workmanship or consequen al loss as a result thereof to any vehicle in or on the premises;
12. loss of or damage that is covered under any other Sec on of this Policy or any other Policy that provides cover for  re and allied perils and/or the ;
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 155

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