Page 160 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 160
Motor Traders Risk
1. the Company's liability shall not exceed R7 500 (seven thousand ve hundred Rand) in respect of any one event;
2. such amount shall be reduced by R750 (seven hundred and y Rand) each and every claim.
The provisions of this Sec on rela ng to rst amount payable shall not apply to this Extension.
The Company will pay for the cost to repair or replace for damage to windscreen glass, side or rear glass, head-, tail- or ed spotlights forming part of any vehicle;
1. no other damage has been caused to the vehicle giving rise to a claim under the Policy;
2. the Insured shall be responsible for the rst amount payable (applicable to glass) stated in the Schedule for each and every loss.
Spare parts
In the event of any part being unprocurable as a standard (ready-manufactured) ar cle within the Republic of South Africa, the liability of the Company shall be discharged by the payment of an amount equal to the value of such part at the me of loss but not exceeding the manufacturer's latest price list opera ve in the Republic of South Africa and the reasonable cost of freight, other than by air, and current labour charge applicable thereto.
Work away from premises – applicable to Sub–Sec on B Liability to third par es
The de ni on of premises is extended to include any premises not under the control of the Insured at which the Insured is working upon a customer's vehicle.
Wreckage removal
The cover provided under Sub-Sec on A of this Sec on is extended to include costs and expenses incurred by the Insured in respect of the clearing up and removal of debris and wreckage of any insured vehicle following damage to such vehicle by a De ned Event;
in addi on to the limit of indemnity under Sub-Sec on A of this Sec on, the limit of the Company's liability under this Extension shall not exceed R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) in respect of any one occurrence.
Vehicles lent or hired to customers
The Descrip on of Use is extended to include the use of the vehicle as de ned for business purposes by any customer of the Insured or for social, domes c and pleasure purposes;
1. the vehicle has been lent or hired to such customer whilst such customer's vehicle is in the custody or control of the Insured for repair, tes ng, servicing, maintenance, altera on, cleaning or inspec on;
2. such customer is not en tled to indemnity under any other policy;
3. such customer shall as though he/she were the Insured observe, ful ll and be subject to the Terms, Excep ons and Condi ons of this Policy insofar as they can apply;
4. the customer driving the vehicle is fully licenced to drive such vehicle in terms of the legisla on applying to any territory within the territorial limits;
he/she has held and is not disquali ed from holding or obtaining such a licence;
5. if a customer is driving such a vehicle whilst learning to drive such person must be compliant with the laws and regula ons in force rela ng to learner drivers and that person shall be deemed to be duly and fully licenced within the meaning of this Clause.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 159