Page 170 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 170

Motor Fleet
Vehicle (cont...)
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Commercial vehicles and special type vehicles as described in the Schedule but excluding taxi's
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Motorcycles (including motor scooters, three-wheeled vehicles and quad bikes) and golf carts
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Buses (including any vehicle used for business purposes and designed to seat more than 12 (twelve) persons, including the driver) but excluding taxi's
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Trailers, i.e. any vehicle without means of self-propulsion designed to be drawn by a self- propelled vehicle, but excluding any parts or accessories not permanently   ed thereto
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6.1 any such vehicle being owned by or hired or leased to the Insured;
6.2 including any such vehicle temporarily operated by the Insured as replacement for any
vehicle speci ed which is out of use for the purpose of overhaul, upkeep and/or repair; PROVIDED THAT:
6.2.1 the maximum period a rental or temporary vehicle shall be used shall not exceed 30 (thirty) consecu ve days;
6.2.2 the maximum liability of the Company shall not exceed the reasonable retail value of the replacement vehicle or the limit of indemnity of the replaced vehicle as stated in the Schedule, whichever is the lesser.
Descrip on of use
Use for social, domes c and pleasure purposes and use for the business or occupa on of the Insured;
but excluding:
1. hiring;
2. carriage of passengers for hire or carriage of fare paying passengers;
3. racing, speed or other contests, rallies, trials;
4. carriage of explosives;
5. carriage of any load or passengers exceeding the capacity for which the vehicle is
constructed or licensed to carry;
6. use for any purpose in connec on with the motor trade;
7. used for other than what the vehicle was constructed or licenced to be used for.
The indemnity to the Insured in connec on with any vehicle shall operate while such vehicle is in the custody or control of a member of the motor trade for the purpose of its overhaul, upkeep or repair but excluding if the vehicle is in possession or on commission or else for the purpose of retail or similar.
Repatria on of vehicles used outside the territorial scope (only applicable to private type motor cars and light commercial vehicles up to a GVM of 3 500kg)
If an insured vehicle is lost or damaged within the territorial scope of this Policy but outside the territorial scope of the Republic of South Africa, the following condi ons shall apply without excep on:
1. if the insured vehicle is lost or damaged the Company will pay for costs incurred:
1.1 occupants:
in repatria ng up to 4 (four) occupants back to the place of residence within the Republic of South Africa subject to a maximum amount of R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) per event;
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 169

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