Page 19 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 19
The Company will not be liable for work necessary to prevent further loss or damage due to subsidence, landslip or heave except where appropriate design precau ons were implemented during the original construc on of the insured property and any subsequent addi ons thereto.
The Insured will be responsible for the rst R2 500 (two thousand ve hundred Rand) of each and every occurrence giving rise to a claim.
If required the Insured must give proof that the loss or damage being claimed for was caused by subsidence, landslip or heave.
13. Power surge
The power surge Provision is applicable to each of the following Sec ons:
A. Fire;
B. Buildings Combined;
C. O ce Contents;
D. Accidental Damage;
E. Business Interrup on with a combined limit as stated in 1. below.
Subject to the De ni ons, Provisions, Speci c Excep ons, Terms and Condi ons in this Sec on, the Company shall indemnify the Insured up to R100 000 (one hundred thousand Rand) for each and every occurrence or series of losses from one event;
1. the Insured shall be responsible for the rst 10% (ten percent) with a minimum of R2 500 (two thousand ve hundred Rand) or the amount stated in the Schedule for each and every claim and if the Insured can prove to the sa sfac on of the Company an approved surge protector is installed, the Insured shall be responsible for the rst R1 000 (one thousand Rand) only of each and every claim;
2. this cover will include loss or damage to refrigerated stock insured under the Fire Sec on columns 4 and/ or 5 and there shall be no liability under this Extension for such interrup on or interference of the Business for the rst 24 (twenty four) hours;
3. this Provision shall not apply if the loss or damage is as a result of power surge caused by the exercise of an authority empowered by law to supply water, gas or electricity of its power to withhold or restrict supply unless such withholding or restric on is directly a ributable to Damage to property of such authority.
For the purposes of this Clause, supply shall be considered to have failed when the quan ty or quality is inadequate for the purpose for which it is required.
14. Ombudsman
In the event the Insured feels that they have not been dealt with fairly under this Policy or wishes to make a complaint and such complaint has not been dealt with by the Company to the Insured's sa sfac on, the Insured may refer such complaint to the Ombudsman for Short-term Insurance, if applicable. The Insured may contact their representa ve broker, administrator or the Company to obtain the details of the Ombudsman.
15. Period of insurance
If the period of insurance (other than a rst period of insurance) is for a period of less than 12 (twelve) months then the following amendments are made to the policy:
General Excep ons, Condi ons and Provisions
Sec on
General Fire
Business Interrup on Accounts Receivable Motor Fleet
Adjustment of Premium
Speci c Condi on 1.2 in Stock Declara on Condi ons
Deposit Premium Clause Adjustment Clause
Premium Adjustment Clause
The words "each period of insurance" are amended to read "each period of twelve consecu ve months from the incep on date or anniversary date"
Page | 18 Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018