Page 198 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 198

Electronic Equipment
1. the liability of the Company shall not exceed the sum insured by this Sub-Sec on;
2. the indemnity period shall commence 12 (twelve) hours a er the failure and end not later than 30 (thirty) days a er such failure.
The liability of the Company shall not exceed the amounts speci ed in the Schedule (rela ng to Sub-Sec on B) in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of or in connec on with any one event.
In the event of the payment by the Company of any sum(s) in discharge of the Company's liability in terms of this Sub- Sec on, the sum(s) insured shall automa cally be reinstated for the remainder of the current period of insurance.
The Insured shall pay to the Company the addi onal premium required by the Company calculated pro-rata from the day of the accident to the end of the period of insurance.
SPECIFIC EXCEPTIONS (applicable to Sub-Sec on B)
Unless speci cally provided for:
1. Fines and penal es
the Company shall not be liable to indemnify the Insured in respect of  nes or penal es for breach of contract for late or non-comple on of orders or any penal es of whatsoever nature;
2. Loss of pro t
the Company shall not be liable to indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of pro t or consequen al loss of whatsoever nature unless speci cally provided for herein.
Burglar Alarm Warranty
It is a condi on precedent to the liability of the Company that a burglar alarm system will be installed in all premises stated in the Schedule and warranted that:
1. the burglar alarm installed in the premises shall be fully ac vated whenever the premises is not open for normal business unless any principal, partner, director or employee is in the premises;
2. the insurance shall not cover loss of or damage to property following the use of keys, the keypad code or remote control of the burglar alarm or any duplicate thereof belonging to the Insured unless such keys, keypad code or remote control were obtained by the .
Unless speci cally stated to the contrary, all premises shall be protected by such alarm and it is further warranted that:
1. the contract for any burglar alarm services shall include services of a 24-hour armed response unit;
2. the control panel shall have an event log and the arming and disarming of the alarm shall be logged and a er the occurrence of a claim the Company will be en tled to request full informa on of the relevant log;
3. such alarm will be maintained in proper working order but the Insured shall be deemed to have discharged their liability if they have maintained their obliga ons under a maintenance contract with the installa on/service company of the alarm system;
cover will con nue to be applicable whilst the alarm system is not opera ve due to a failure of the public supply of electricity at the terminal ends of the supply authority's service feeders and that such failure is not due to any act or omission of the Insured.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 197

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