Page 33 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 33
Damage to the whole or part of the property described in the Schedule, owned by the Insured or for which they are legally responsible, including altera ons by the Insured as tenants to the building and structures, by:
1. re;
2. lightning and thunderbolt;
3. subterranean re;
4. explosion;
5. earthquake (whether arising from mining opera ons or otherwise), volcanic erup on or other convulsion, but excluding loss of or damage to property in the underground workings of any mine;
6. special perils:
6.1 storm, wind, water, hail or snow but excluding damage to property:
6.1.1 arising from its undergoing any process necessarily involving the use or applica on of water;
6.1.2 caused by dal wave origina ng from earthquake;
6.1.3 in any structure not completely roofed unless speci cally Insured as a separate item in the Schedule;
6.1.4 being retaining walls unless speci cally insured as a separate item in the Schedule;
6.2 aircra and other aerial devices or ar cles dropped therefrom;
6.3 impact by animals, trees, aerials, satellite dishes or vehicles excluding damage to such animals, trees, aerials, satellite dishes or vehicles or property in or on such vehicles;
this De ned Event (special perils) does not cover:
1. wear and tear or gradual deteriora on;
2. damage caused or aggravated by:
2.1 leakage or discharge from any sprinkler or drencher system in the buildings insured hereby exceeding R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) unless otherwise stated in the Schedule;
2.2 subsidence or landslip;
2.3 the Insured's failure to take all reasonable precau ons for the maintenance and safety of the property insured and for the minimiza on of any damage;
2.4 mildew, damp, rise in the underground water table, rising damp, rust, corrosion or rot;
7. loss of or damage to geysers, water tanks, water apparatus, water pipes, drip trays, pans and water hea ng systems, the property of the Insured installed in the buildings described in the Schedule;
the Company shall not be liable to pay for:
7.1 more than R10 000 ( ten thousand Rand) or the amount stated in the Schedule any one event;
7.2 a rst amount payable of 10% (ten percent) of claim minimum R1 000 (one thousand Rand) is applicable to each and every claim;
7.3 loss or damage caused by or aggravated by wear and tear, rust, decay or gradual deteriora on;
7.4 loss or damage caused by cracking or spli ng of the unit;
Buildings Combined
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Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018