Page 34 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 34

Buildings Combined
7.5 loss or damage as a result of faulty material or workmanship, inherent device and latent defects or faulty or defec ve design;
7.6 loss or damage recoverable in terms of manufacturer's warranty;
7.7 loss or damage as a result of failure or deliberate withholding of supply of water or electricity or fuel.
Speci c condi on
The geyser(s) as de ned must be installed in accordance with SANS speci ca on 10254 where applicable and in accordance with the manufacturer's speci ca ons or any other SANS speci ca on applicable. If the Company alleges the geyser was not installed in accordance to speci ca on the Insured shall be liable for the  rst R1 500 (one thousand  ve hundred Rand) of each claim.
8. accidental damage to sanitary-ware and  xed glass up to R50 000 (  y thousand Rand) or the amount stated in the Schedule, for each and every incident of such damage and the Insured shall be responsible to pay the  rst R1 000 (one thousand Rand);
9. the  (or any a empt thereat) accompanied by forcible and violent entry into or exit from such building. If any building insured or containing the insured property becomes unoccupied for 30 (thirty) consecu ve days, this item is suspended as regards the property a ected unless the Insured before the occurrence of damage obtains the wri en agreement of the Company to con nue this Extension. During the period of the ini al unoccupancy of 30 (thirty) consecu ve days the Insured shall become a co-insurer with the Company and shall bear a rateable propor on of any damage equal to 20% (twenty percent) of the claim before deduc on of any  rst amount payable;
10. such addi onal perils as are stated in the Schedule to be included;
11. shade nets and canopies
11.1 the Company will pay for loss or damage to shade nets and canopies in the open at the premises and included in the sum insured caused by hail, wind, snow or storm up to R50 000 (  y thousand Rand) or the amount stated in the Schedule for each and every event;
11.1.1 the Condi on of average shall apply;
11.1.2 the Insured shall be deemed to be Co-Insurer on the basis stated in the table below:
All the buildings insured and described in the Schedule including all outbuildings thereto (constructed of brick, stone, concrete or metal on metal framework and roofed with slate,  les, metal or concrete unless otherwise stated in the Schedule) and spor ng and recrea onal structures, landlord's  xtures and   ngs therein and thereon, walls (except dam walls), gates, posts, fences, and tarred or paved roads, driveways, paths or parking areas.
Accidental damage to water, sewerage, gas, electricity and telecommunica on connec ons the property of the Insured or for which they are legally responsible, between the property insured and the public supply or mains.
Age of shade nets
% of Co-insurance
Age of shade nets
% of Co-insurance
Up to 1 year
Up to 4 years
Up to 2 years
Up to 5 years
Up to 3 years
Older than 5 years
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 33

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