Page 41 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 41
Buildings Combined
During each period of insurance, the sum(s) insured shall be increased by that por on of the percentage speci ed in the Schedule which the number of days since the commencement of such period bears to the whole of such period. Unless agreed otherwise, these provisions shall only apply to the sum(s) insured in force at the commencement of the period of insurance.
At each renewal date, the Insured shall no fy the Company of the sum(s) to be insured for the forthcoming period of insurance and the percentage increase required for such period. In default thereof, the provisions of this clause shall cease to apply.
Preven on of access (extension to Sub-Sec on C)
If property within a 25 km (twenty ve kilometre) radius of the premises stated in the Schedule is lost or damaged by a peril de ned in Sub-Sec on A during the period of insurance and this prevents or hinders the use of or access to the property insured by this Sec on, the Company will pay any loss of rent the Insured may incur as a result thereof up to an amount not exceeding 25% (twenty ve percent) of the sum insured on the a ected property any one event and not exceeding R20 000 000 (twenty million Rand) and one period of insurance. The loss of rent calcula on will be based on the rent payable immediately preceding the loss or damage or its equivalent rental value.
The of external xtures and ngs
1. De ned Event 9 under Sub-sec on A is extended to include the of external xtures and ngs of any insured building(s) at the premises described in the Schedule, accompanied by visible signs of forcible and violent means or visible signs of forcible and violent entry into or exit from such premises or any a empt thereat or as a result of the , or any a empt thereat, following violence or threat of violence.
2. The insured shall be responsible for the rst 10% (ten percent) of the claim with a minimum of R750 (seven hundred and y Rand) of each and every claim.
Subsidence and landslip (extended cover)
1. This Sec on is extended to include loss of or damage to the insured property caused by subsidence or landslip of the land suppor ng the said insured property or heave thereof;
such loss or damage is not caused by or does not arise from:
1.1 normal se lement, shrinkage or expansion of the land suppor ng the insured property;
1.2 altera ons, addi ons or repairs to the insured property;
1.3 compac on or in ll;
1.4 defec ve or faulty design, materials or workmanship;
1.5 excava ons other than mining opera ons;
1.6 contrac on and or expansion of soil, clay or similar types or moist or damp;
1.7 removal or weakening of support to the insured property.
2. The Company will not be liable for:
2.1 loss of or damage to sep c or conservancy tanks, drains, water courses unless the building(s) is damaged at the same me by the same event;
2.2 consequen al loss whatsoever;
2.3 damage exis ng at commencement of cover.
3. The Insured will be responsible for the rst 5% ( ve percent) of the claim minimum R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) of each and every occurrence giving rise to a claim.
4. If required the Insured must give proof that the loss or damage being claimed for was caused by subsidence, landslip or heave.
Page | 40 Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018