Page 56 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 56
Business Interrup on
8.1 Contract sites
Any situa on not in the occupa on of the Insured where the Insured is carrying out a contract.
8.2 Storage, transit and vehicle
Property of the Insured whilst stored or whilst in transit by air, road, rail or inland waterway or being motor vehicles of the Insured elsewhere than at premises in the occupa on of the Insured.
8.3 Preven on of access
Property within a 25 km (twenty ve kilometer) radius of the Insured's premises, destruc on of or damage to which shall prevent or hinder the use of the premises or access thereto, whether the premises or property of the Insured therein shall be damaged or not;
the Company will not be liable to pay more than 75% (seventy ve percent) of the gross pro t, gross rentals or revenue sum insured for each and every event not exceeding R20 000 000 (twenty million Rand).
OPTIONAL CLAUSES AND EXTENSIONS (if stated in the Schedule to be included)
1. Accidental damage
The following De ned Event is added:
Loss following interrup on or interference with the business in consequence of damage occurring during the period of insurance at the premises in respect of which payment has been made or liability admi ed under De ned Event 1. of the Accidental Damage Sec on of this Policy (hereina er termed 'damage');
1.1 the provision under any item of this Sec on that the payment will be reduced propor onately if the amount insured by the item is not adequate, is deleted in respect of this de ned event;
1.2 the Company shall not pay more than the sum insured stated in the Schedule of the Accidental Damage Sec on for both this Sec on and the Accidental Damage Sec on combined.
2. The by forcible entry
The following De ned Event is added:
The accompanied by forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises in respect of which payment has been made or liability admi ed under the The Sec on of this Policy or any a empt thereat or as a result of the (or any a empt thereat) following violence or threat of violence;
2.1 the Company will not be liable under this Extension for the or a empted the by any principal, partner, director or employee of the Insured;
2.2 the Company shall not pay more than the sum insured stated in the Schedule for the The Sec on for both this Sec on and the The Sec on combined.
3. Other events
Loss following interrup on of or interference with the business in consequence of murder, rape, suicide, food or drink poisoning, contagious or infec ous diseases, vermin, pests, or defec ve sanitary arrangements occurring at the premises or shark a ack or wild animal a ack within 5 km ( ve kilometers) or bomb threat or oil spill within 15 km ( een kilometers) of the premises to which this insurance relates;
the Company shall not be responsible to pay more than R1 000 000 (one million Rand) any one event.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 55