Page 58 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 58

Business Interrup on
this Extension does not cover loss resul ng from damage directly or indirectly caused by:
4.6.1 drought;
4.6.2 pollu on of water;
4.6.3 shortage of fuel or water;
4.6.4 a fault on any part of the installa on belonging to the premises;
4.6.5 the exercise of an authority empowered by law to supply water, gas or electricity of its power to withhold or restrict supply unless such withholding or restric on is directly a ributable to damage to property of such authority;
4.6.6 any event described in general Excep on 1 and 2 but cover provided by the General Condi on, Malicious Damage in respect of the underlying material damage Sec ons of this Policy is not excluded.
In respect of interrup ons of or interference with the business arising from mechanical or electrical or electronic breakdown, there shall be no liability under this Extension for interrup on of or interference with the business unless such interrup on or interference extends beyond 24 (twenty four) hours from commencement thereof;
the Company will not be liable to pay more than 75% (seventy  ve percent) of the gross pro t, gross rentals or revenue sum insured for each and every event not exceeding R20 000 000 (twenty million Rand).
4.7 Public telecommunica ons – insured perils only
4.7.1 property at the premises of any public authority which is empowered by law to supply a telecommunica ons facility to the Insured;
4.7.2 the transmission facili es network for the public authority men oned in 4.7.1;
the Company will not be liable to pay more than 75% (seventy  ve percent) of the gross pro t, gross rentals or revenue sum insured for each and every event not exceeding R20 000 000 (twenty million Rand).
4.8 Public telecommunica ons – extended cover
Loss as insured resul ng from interrup on of or interference with the business in consequence of the failure of the public telecommunica ons facili es to the premises of the Insured shall be deemed to have resulted from damage (as de ned herein);
this Extension does not cover loss resul ng from damage directly or indirectly caused by:
4.8.1 drought;
4.8.2 a fault on any part of the premises belonging to the Insured;
4.8.3 a decision by any authority or service provider to legally withhold the telecommunica on facility from the Insured unless such decision is directly a ributable to damage to property of such authority;
4.8.4 any event described in general Excep on 1 and 2 but cover provided by the General Condi on, Malicious Damage in respect of the underlying material damage Sec ons of this Policy is not excluded.
If the failure of the facility is due to its mechanical or electrical or electronic breakdown, there shall be no liability under this Extension unless the interrup on or interference with the business of the Insured extends beyond 24 (twenty four) hours;
the Company will not be liable to pay more than 75% (seventy  ve percent) of the gross pro t, gross rentals or revenue sum insured for each and every event not exceeding R20 000 000 (twenty million Rand).
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 57

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