Page 69 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 69
Loss of or damage to internal and external glass (including xed mirrors), sign-wri ng and treatment thereon at the insured premises as stated in the Schedule, the property of the Insured or for which they are legally responsible.
Following loss of or damage to glass (including xed mirrors), sign-wri ng and treatments, the Company will also indemnify the Insured for:
boarding up
the cost of such boarding up not exceeding R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) each event
damage to shop fronts and the like
damage to shop fronts, frames, window displays (including xtures and ngs), burglar alarm strips, wires and vibrators as a direct result of such loss or not exceeding R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) each event
removal and reinstalla on
the cost of removal and reinstalla on of xtures and ngs necessary for the replacement of the glass not exceeding R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) each event
the cost of employment of a watchman service prior to the placement of glass or boarding up or the repair of the burglar alarm system, unless payable under any other insurance arranged by the Insured not exceeding R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) each event
Unless speci cally agreed, all glass (other than mirrors) insured by this sec on is presumed to be plain plate/ oat glass not exceeding 6 mm (six millimeters) in thickness, whether coated with a lm or not, or laminated safety glass not exceeding 8 mm (eight millimeters) in thickness.
Internal glass:
1. all internal glass, sinks, wash basins and sanitary ware and mirrors (other than hand mirrors) whilst in the premises;
2. showcase frames, display cabinets and counter frames whilst in the premises.
External glass:
1. external xed glass forming part of the premises and any sha er-resistant or re ec ve lm a xed to the glass;
2. ceramic led shop fronts.
The Company shall not be liable for:
1. loss or damage which is insured by, or would, but for the existence of this Sec on, be insured, by any re insurance, except in respect of any excess beyond the amount which would have been payable under such re insurance had the insurance under this Sec on not been e ected, but this Speci c Excep on shall not apply to loss or damage for which the Insured is legally responsible as tenant and not as owner;
2. glass forming part of stock in trade;
3. glass that, at incep on of this insurance, is cracked or broken unless cover has been agreed by the Company;
4. defacement or damage other than fracture through the en re thickness of the glass or any laminate thereof.
Page | 68 Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018