Page 87 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 87
For the purposes of determining the indemnity granted by this Sec on the following terms shall mean:
1. Insured
1.1 the rst named party stated in the Schedule, hereina er referred to as the Named Insured;
1.2 at the request of the Named Insured:
1.2.1 any subsidiary company of the Named Insured declared to the Company;
1.2.2 any director, partner or employee of the Named Insured, while ac ng on behalf of or in the course and scope of their employment or engagement by the Named Insured;
1.2.3 any o cer, member, or employee of the Named Insured’s canteen, social, sports, welfare organisa on, re, rst aid or ambulance services (but excluding medical prac oners while working in a professional capacity) in their respec ve capaci es as such;
1.2.4 any director, partner, or senior o cial of the Named Insured in respect of private manual work carried out by any employee of the Insured for any such person, with the consent of the Named Insured;
1.2.5 any principal, in his capacity as such, for liability arising out of work performed for or on behalf of such principal by the Named Insured, in respect of liability for which the Named Insured would have been en tled to an indemnity under this Sec on of the Policy if the claim had been made against the Named Insured;
1.3 in the event of the death of the Named Insured, the personal representa ves of the Named Insured in respect of liability incurred by the Named Insured.
2. Business is as described in the Schedule and will also include:
2.1 the ownership, repair, maintenance or use of the Named Insured’s premises;
2.2 the provision and management of canteen, social, sports and welfare organisa ons for the bene t of the Named Insured’s employees;
2.3 the provision and management of security, re, rst aid and ambulance services;
2.4 private manual work, carried out with the consent of the Named Insured, for any director, partner, or senior o cial of the Named Insured by any employee.
3. Bodily injury
death, injury, illness, or disease; and injury may also include nervous shock, mental anguish or mental illness.
4. Personal Injury
bodily injury, invasion of the right to privacy, discrimina on, libel and slander, defama on of character, wrongful arrest, deten on, imprisonment, evic on or wrongful accusa on of shopli ing.
5. Property
tangible property, except in Sub-Sec on 1 of this Sec on of the Policy where it includes rights of light, air, and water but, for the avoidance of doubt, will not include informa on (including electronically stored informa on), intellectual property, or intangible property rights of any kind, or any value therein.
6. Employee
6.1 6.2
any person under a contract of employment or appren ceship with the Named Insured;
any person under a contract of employment or appren ceship with another employer, and who is hired to, or borrowed by the Insured;
6.3.1 any labour master or labour only sub-contractor or person supplied by any of them;
6.3.2 any self-employed person;
6.3.3 any person par cipa ng in any government, or otherwise authorised work experience, training, study, exchange, or similar scheme;
6.3.4 any voluntary persons;
while engaged in work for the Named Insured in connec on with the business.
Combined Liability (Claims-made Basis)
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Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018