Page 88 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 88

Combined Liability (Claims-made Basis)
7. Product
any goods (including packaging, containers, labelling, instruc ons or advice, provided in connec on therewith):
7.1 sold, supplied or distributed by or on behalf of the Named Insured;
7.2 erected, repaired, serviced, altered, treated or installed by the Named Insured;
in the course of the business, and which have le  the care, custody or control of the Named Insured.
8. Pollu on Hazard
8.1 actual, alleged, or threatened:
8.1.1 inges on, inhala on, absorp on, release, escape, discharge, dispersal, seepage of, contact with, or exposure to pollutants;
8.1.2 subsequent spread, migra on or movement of pollutants following 8.1.1 above;
8.2 the costs of cleaning up, containing, trea ng, detoxifying, neutralising, removing, monitoring of, or tes ng for, pollutants and their e ects, whether or not these are performed by the Insured or third par es.
9. Pollutants
any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritants, smoke, vapour, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals, waste or other substances or contaminants, bacteria, molds or other fungi (including but not limited to mildew or mycotoxins or spores or any other substance or product produced or released by molds or fungi), which actually or are alleged to adversely a ect land, water, atmosphere, property, buildings, other structures or people, animals, plants, and all other living organisms, or the general environment.
10. O shore work
embarka on onto a conveyance un l disembarka on from such conveyance at the point of  nal departure for transport to and from an o shore installa on or vessel, transit between or work on an o shore installa on or vessel.
11. Event
any one occurrence, or all occurrences of a series consequent upon, or a ributable to, one origina ng cause including but not limited to one or more occurrences of bodily injury or personal injury or loss of or damage to property, rela ng to the same fault in design, manufacture, instruc ons for use, packaging or labelling or a ributable to the supply of the same product or products showing the same defect or the same ac on or failure to act, and will be treated as one single occurrence, irrespec ve of the number of injured par es, actual claimants, poten al or eligible claimants, and whether or not brought by class ac on or individually by the claimants concerned.
12. Limit of indemnity
the total liability of the Company for all amounts payable in accordance with the De ned Events, and will not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule.
If an event gives rise to a claim or a series of claims which form the subject of an indemnity under more than one opera ve sec on of this Sec on of the Policy, the total amount of the Company’s liability will at all  mes be limited to the greatest limit of indemnity available under any one of the opera ve sec ons in this Sec on of the Policy a ording indemnity for the claim or series of claims.
The limit of indemnity will be determined with reference to the Schedule, or such other limit as may apply by virtue of an endorsement to, or speci c sub-limit set out in this Sec on of the Policy.
13. First amount payable
the amount stated in the Schedule, which will be payable by the Insured for each event in respect of all damages, claimant’s costs and expenses and Defence Costs (including inves ga on costs other than the company’s own salary and other internal costs), before the Company will be liable to make any payment under this Sec on of the Policy.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 87

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