Page 183 - Hollard Business Policy - Binder
P. 183
Enroute In-Car Insurance
The Company will compensate the Insured or the Insured's estate after bodily injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident as defined whilst being conveyed in an insured vehicle which directly results in death, permanent total disability, temporary total disability, and/or medical expenses the Company agrees to pay to the Insured person or the Insured person's estate the Compensation stated in the Schedule.
the Person who takes out this Policy and is named as the policyholder in the Schedule
the Insured and any person being Conveyed in an Insured Vehicle at the time of the Motor Vehicle Accident
being in the Insured Vehicle and includes being injured by another vehicle whilst getting into or out of the Insured Vehicle
the vehicle or vehicles listed in the Schedule and identified as such by the registration number and VIN (vehicle identification number) or the chassis number
Insured Person
Insured Vehicle
a self-propelled motor vehicle registered in the Republic of South Africa and which is a:
1. sedan, station wagon, Multipurpose (MPV) or Sports Utility (SUV) Vehicle and similar vehicles to MPV's and SUV's described by other alternatives to MPV or SUV, licensed to carry passengers not exceeding in total 10 (ten) persons including the driver and registered in the Republic of South Africa;
2. light delivery vehicle (LDV) with a carrying capacity not exceeding 1 500 kg (one thousand five hundred kilograms), not exceeding in total 3 (three) passengers in the area specifically designed to seat and carry the driver and passengers (Cab). Persons not in the 'cab' area of the vehicle are excluded. The vehicle shall be registered in the Republic of South Africa;
3. light delivery vehicle (LDV) known as double cabs with a carrying capacity not exceeding 1 500 kg (one thousand five hundred kilograms), not exceeding in total 5 (five) passengers in the area specifically designed to seat and carry the driver and passengers (Cab). Persons not in the "cab" area of the vehicle are excluded. The vehicle shall be registered in the Republic of South Africa.
Motorcycles including three-wheel and four-wheel motorcycles or the like, and Vehicles used primarily for carrying goods or for public transport are excluded and not covered in terms of this Policy
Motor Vehicle Accident
a sudden unexpected accident or a series of accidents resulting from the same cause occurring at a specific place and time within the Territory and during the Period of Insurance involving an Insured Vehicle
Bodily Injury
physical trauma or bodily injury to an Insured Person resulting from a Motor Vehicle Accident which physical trauma or bodily injury injures or disables the Insured Person totally independently from any other physical or mental disability, defect, infirmity or cause that existed prior to the Motor Vehicle Accident and which physical trauma or bodily injury results in:
1. Death or Permanent Total Disability or Temporary Total Disability within 24 (twenty four) months of the Motor Vehicle Accident; and/or
2. Medical expenses incurred within 24 (twenty four) months of the Motor Vehicle Accident not exceeding the maximum benefit in the Schedule
Hollard Business Policy – Binder – Version 8 2024 Page | 181