Page 189 - Hollard Business Policy - Binder
P. 189
Enroute Motorcycle Insurance
Loss of Eye
Loss of Speech or Hearing
the Schedule to this Policy wording which forms part of and is issued in accordance with the Policy wording
the Republic of South Africa, Angola, Botswana Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, the Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
permanent and total loss of or loss of sight in an eye total and irrecoverable loss of speech or hearing
Bodily Injury Resulting in:
% of maximum Permanent Total Disability in the Schedule
A. Permanent Total Disability 100% (one hundred percent)
B. Permanent and total loss of:
a) speech
b) hearing in both ears
c) hearing in one ear
d) sight in both eyes
e) sight in one eye
f) one or both arms
g) one or both legs
h) one arm and one leg
i) both hands
j) one hand
k) both feet
l) one foot
m) one hand and one foot
n) four fingers of either hand
o) thumb of either hand
p) any other finger of either hand
q) all toes on one foot
r) great toe of either foot
s) any other toe
100% (one hundred percent) 100% (one hundred percent) 25% (twenty five percent) 100% (one hundred percent) 50% (fifty percent) 100% (one hundred percent) 100% (one hundred percent) 100% (one hundred percent) 100% (one hundred percent) 50% (fifty percent) 100% (one hundred percent) 50% (fifty percent) 100% (one hundred percent) 70% (seventy percent) 30% (thirty percent)
5% (five percent)
30% (thirty percent) 10% (ten percent)
2% (two percent)
Permanent disability not specified herein the % which in the opinion of the Company is consistent with the above benefits in so far as possible.
The insurance provided in this Section is subject to the following:
1. The Company will not be liable to pay for Death, Permanent Total Disability, or Medical Expenses resulting from a Motorcycle Accident or series of Motorcycle Accidents arising from one cause in respect of any one Insured Person, more than the applicable Benefit payable for Death or Permanent Total Disability (whichever is the higher). Medical Expenses benefits shall be paid in addition thereto subject always to the policy limits stated in the Schedule.
2. The Company will not be liable for more than R30 000 (thirty thousand rand) in respect of Death benefits for an Insured under the age of 16 (sixteen) years.
3. The Insured Person shall not be insured under more than one En-Route Motorcycle Insurance Policy with the Company. However, if an Insured Person is covered by more than one En-Route Motorcycle Insurance Policy with the Company, only the En-Route Motorcycle Insurance Policy with the highest benefit will be called upon to indemnify the Insured Person, but subject always to the Terms and Conditions of that Policy.
Hollard Business Policy – Binder – Version 8 2024 Page | 187