Page 11 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 11

General Procedures
7.2.5 Service providers All claims, motor and non-motor claims – Assessor to sign o  and con rm additonal costs. On receipt of the invoice, ensure that the amount is as per the approved fee structure- nego ated discount. This can be checked and veri ed on Hollard's Procurement Pages. Ensure that the invoice complies with the guidelines as in 7.2.1 above.
If the payment is payment towards towing and storage charges on a Total Loss claim, update the Salvage Register.
7.3 Perform the following procedure:
7.3.1 Stamp paid invoices with a 'Paid' stamp.
NOTE: No altera on of cheques will be accepted.
7.4 If the cheques are to be collected, a signature plus posi ve proof of iden  ca on is required, and must be recorded in a register.
8.1 On receipt of informa on where the claim should be considered for rejec on, the  le has to be referred to Hollard without delay for  nal decision for considera on.
8.1.1 If rejec on is not jus  ed, Hollard will liaise with the Broker;
8.1.2 If further informa on is required to assist with the decision to be made, Hollard: records the requirements in the  le, and instructs the Broker to follow up on the requirements.
NOTE: It is of the utmost importance that the grounds of rejec on are supported by the necessary documents/evidence (for example, where client has made a verbal statement this must be supported by a wri en statement to the same e ect).
8.2 The original signed le er of rejec on is distributed by Hollard in terms of PPR requirements to: 8.2.1 the Broker: a phone call is made by the Broker to the client advising him of the le er.
8.3 The Broker  les a copy of each le er in the claims  le.
8.4 The Broker no  es other interested par es (i.e. contractor and panelbeater).
8.4.1 If the vehicle is salvage/burnt out or stolen, the relevant registers are to be updated.
8.4.2 If the vehicle is with a salvage contractor, the Insured and/or the  nance house must be advised to collect the vehicle. The towing and storage costs will be for the account of the Insured, and the contractor must be advised of this urgently in wri ng by e-mail.
The Broker diarises the  le to remove the es mates, and  nalises the claim a er the prescrip ve period, should nothing further have taken place in the interim. The prescrip ve period in terms of a Personal policy is 180 (one hundred and eighty) days plus 270 (two hundred and seventy) days which totals 450 (four hundred and   y) days and for Commercial policies it is 90 (ninety) days plus 90 (ninety) days which totals 180 (one hundred and eighty) days.
If the ma er is referred to the Ombudsman, prescrip on is interrupted and the  le has to remain open un l further no ce.
8.5 Ombudsman Procedure
The O ce of the Ombudsman for Short-term Insurance provides consumers with a free, e cient and fair dispute resolu on mechanism. It o ers consumers a “no risk” mechanism to resolve disputes with insurers.
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 9

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