Page 13 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 13
General Procedures
10.1.6 The NMIs must handle all poten al Sasria claims as if the claim is in terms of the underlying policy and with the utmost level of professionalism and analysis.
10.1.7 Before submi ng a claim to Sasria the NMIs is expected to establish that the events causing the loss, or damage:
are excluded in terms of the NMIs Policy General Excep ons;
that the loss occurred during the Period of Insurance of the NMI’s Policy. that the insured had Sasria cover at the me of loss.
10.1.8 All informa on rela ng to Sasria claims is to be treated as con den al.
10.1.9 The appointment of a Loss Adjuster, prior to no fying Sasria of a claim has been reported, is at the discre on of the NMIs on all claims below R1 000 000.
10.1.10 On all claims above R1 000 000 Sasria must be contacted before a loss adjuster is appointed. Should a loss adjuster be appointed without Sasria consent adjus ng fees will be for the NMIs account.
Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to amend any documenta on issued by Sasria without the knowledge of and consent from Sasria Limited.
10.2 Sasria Limited Perils
In terms of the Sasria policy wording, Sasria will cover loss of, or damage to the property insured directly related to or caused by:
10.2.1 any act (whether on behalf of any organiza on, body or person, or group of persons) calculated or directed to overthrow or in uence any State or government, or any provincial, local or tribal authority with force, or by means of fear, terrorism or violence;
10.2.2 any act which is calculated or directed to bring about loss or damage in order to further any poli cal aim, objec ve or cause, or to bring about any social or economic change, or in protest against any State or government, or any provincial, local or tribal authority, or for the purpose of inspiring fear in the public, or any sec on thereof;
10.2.3 any riot, strike or public disorder, or any act or ac vity which is calculated or directed to bring about a riot, strike or public disorder;
10.2.4 any a empt to perform any act referred to in clause (i), (ii) or (iii) above;
10.2.5 the act of any lawfully established authority in controlling, preven ng, suppressing or in any other way dealing with any occurrence referred to in clause (i), (ii),(iii) or (iv) above.
NOTE: In this Policy, the term "Public Disorder" shall be deemed to include civil commo on, labour disturbances or lockouts.
10.3 Documenta on
The NMI is requested to submit the following documenta on to Sasria as well as any photographs whenever these are available. Please note that all documents submi ed must be clear, descrip ve of the item damaged or claimed for and preferably on PDF or word format. Communica on must iden fy the NMI’s Claim Number, and where available Sasria’s Claim Number.
The following documents cons tute an essen al part of each and every claim and may be required to properly assess a claim:
10.3.1 Preliminary Claims Advice Form (Annexure A)
It may be u lised to no fy Sasria of a new claim especially if there are minimal details.
It can be submi ed on its own prior to submission of all required claim documents or submi ed together with rst no ca on documents.
All elds must be completed in full to enable Sasria to register the claim. Of utmost importance is the informa on rela ng to the name of the Insured, NMI name, Coupon number, date of loss, ra ng classi ca on (sec on of policy being claimed under), area of loss and es mate of claim.
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 11