Page 32 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 32

Motor Claims Procedures
10.3 If the vehicle is recovered before the claim is se led:
10.3.1 No fy Hollard immediately of the recovered vehicle, unless the no  ca on came from Hollard.
10.3.2 Advise if assistance is required in the upli ment of the vehicle.
10.3.3 Appoint a Loss Adjuster to determine if there are any damages to the vehicle as a result of the loss.
10.3.4 An Upli ment agent can accompany the Insured to iden fy and release the vehicle.
10.3.5 The vehicle should then be taken to a panelbeater or salvage contractor, where a motor assessor can assess the vehicle, to determine if there are any damages as a result of the loss.
10.4 Maintenance of a Stolen Vehicle Register: each broker should maintain a separate register for stolen/ hijacked vehicles.
11.1 There are three ways of being no  ed of a recovered vehicle and they are as follows:
11.1.1 No  ca on from an Inves ga ng o cer (SAPS)
The inves ga ng o cer will contact the Insured/Insurer/Broker about the recovered vehicle. The Broker can then decide if they would use their own upli ment agent or if they need any assistance from Hollard.
11.1.2 No  ca on from an Upli ment agent
The Upli ment agent will inform Hollard of the recovered vehicle. Hollard will then contact the relevant broker to determine if they want to upli  themselves or if assistance from Hollard is required. If assistance is required the Hollard will request the upli ment agent to remove the vehicle and take it to the panelbeater/salvage contractor of the broker's choice.The Broker is responsible for the upli ment fee, and must se le the fees as soon as they receive the invoice.
11.1.3 No  ca on from other sources
Should we be no  ed from an alterna ve source of the recovered vehicle we will no fy the Broker thereof. The same procedure will be followed as in point 11.1.2.
NOTE: If no assistance is required with the upli ment of the vehicle, please refer to the document template in the a ached document annexures.
11.2 If the vehicle is recovered before se lement
11.2.1 No fy Hollard immediately of the recovered vehicle, unless the no  ca on came from Hollard.
11.2.2 The Loss Adjuster can accompany the Insured to iden fy and release vehicle.
11.2.3 The vehicle should be upli ed to a panelbeater or salvage yard to be assessed.
11.2.4 Appoint a Motor Assessor to assess damages.
11.4 If the vehicle is recovered a er se lement
11.4.1 No fy Hollard immediately of the recovered vehicle, if the no  ca on did not come from Hollard. Hollard Stolen and Recovered team will:
11.4.2 The vehicle needs to be dealer stocked in Hollard's name. Contact Hollard for more informa on.
11.4.3 Vehicle to be upli ed to salvage contractor.
11.4.4 Motor Assessor to be appointed to obtain closed tenders, if salvage contract not in place.
11.4.5 Highest tender to be accepted.
11.4.6 If the vehicle is recovered, this must be noted in the register and advised to Hollard.
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Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016

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