Page 30 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 30

7.2 On receipt of the claim form:
7.2.1 Open a new claims  le.
7.2.2 Place the following into the  le: A claims checklist Ac on sheet A print-out of the client's policy document details One hard copy of the claims print-out A note of any other relevant informa on gleaned from the conversa on with the client (noted on the ac on sheet).
7.3 All terms and condi ons apply, as if the client had su ered damage to the vehicle.
7.4 No further ac on must be taken un l a third party claim is received from the third party, his Insurers or his a orneys.
7.5 If a third party contacts the Broker/Hollard and no claim has been lodged, refer third party directly to the Insured.
NOTE: Refrain from accep ng any liability for a claim un l the claim has been duly processed provided that the claim has not been rejected.
If a 8.1
8.2 8.3
vehicle is for any reason a write-o  or uneconomical to repair:
Receive the no  ca on from the assessor that the vehicle is a write-o  in terms of its retail value/Sum Insured related to the cost of repairs.
If the case is marginal, a decision in conjunc on with Hollard, can be made as to the viability of the repairing or wri ng o  of the vehicle.
If the vehicle is a write-o , request the following from the Insured:
8.3.1 The original (de)registra on cer  cate if the vehicle is not subject to a credit agreement.
8.3.2 If the vehicle is under credit agreement request a copy of the contract with the bank, together with the se lement  gure.
8.3.3 The assessor will determine the code status of the vehicle and this will guide you to determine if a registra on or deregistra on document needs to be requested. However, Code 2 documents should always be requested.
If the vehicle is within the recognised towing area (refer Salvage Contract):
8.4.1 Instruct the salvage dealer to move the vehicle into his yard immediately.
8.4.2 Obtain a stock number for the salvage.
8.4.3 A salvage invoice book will be provided by Hollard, and the relevant invoice and documents to be sent to the salvage contractor before the vehicle is disposed of.
8.4.4 You must inform the salvage dealer not to dispose of or dismantle the vehicle un l the salvage dealer is in possession of: a copy of the Agreement of Loss; the original deregistra on cer  cate and keys; and the Salvage Tax Invoice.
If the vehicle is outside of the recognised contract area, the Broker will consult with the loss adjuster, and make a decision as to how best to dispose of the salvage, either by tender or otherwise.
If the vehicle is a total burn-out, and the salvage is to be abandoned, photographs must be obtained to depict clearly that there is no salvage value.
Record the details in the Salvage Register.
8.5 8.6 8.7
Motor Claims Procedures
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Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016

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