Page 29 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 29
Motor Claims Procedures
6.1 Towing queries – Assist line contact: 086 003 8262
Other divisions have a dedicated person dealing speci cally with towing-related queries or car hire. HBM has a towing specialist to sort out towing-related queries, namely releases@ This is also part of the claims administrator's du es. Hollard has select suppliers and repairers. This simply means that there are special rates that have been agreed on between Hollard and the suppliers. There are agreements in place between the following towing associa ons:
6.1.1 South African Towing and Recovery Associa on (SATRA)
6.1.2 UTASA
6.1.3 First Road Emergency.
When vehicle is towed from an accident scene by one of the above-men oned towing operators, then they will need to apply the agreed rates. In a case where the towing operator was not aware that the vehicle belonged to a Hollard client at the me they towed the vehicle. They will need to amend the amount they charged according to the agreed rates as soon as Hollard contacts them. That is where the towing specialist comes in. It is the responsibility of the towing specialist to nego ate with the towing operators to reduce the price accordingly. You need to have strong nego a on skills, be tac ul, diligent and asser ve as well. Should the towing operator refuse to charge according to the agreed rates, the query can be escalated to the towing associa on or procurement. The towing operator is not allowed to charge storage from the day the query arose up un l it has been resolved.
The towing operators can be very aggressive at mes and it is very important that the towing specialist handle the conversa on in a professional manner. Every query should be recorded and led. There is a towing query template under Management Drive. The claims administrator needs to draw up a report on a quarterly basis for all the savings made for that quarter. The report needs to be forwarded to the Claims team and Procurement.
Panelbeaters are not allowed to pay towing invoices. They should always forward the invoices to the Insurer for se lement. This is important as it is always a mission to recover money from towing operators who were overpaid.
6.1.4 In many cases, the vehicle has already been removed from the scene of the accident by a tow truck and taken to a panelbeater.
6.1.5 Arrange for the vehicle to be moved to one of the relevant panelbeaters if not already there, to arrange for the obtaining of a quota on for repairs.
6.1.6 Refer the client to the limits of liability regarding towing, as detailed in the policy, where applicable.
7. THIRD-PARTY CLAIM AGAINST HOLLARD (if mandated to handle on behalf of Hollard) NOTE: Es mate for Third Party must be raised immediately where our client appears to be at fault. NO OWN DAMAGE EXISTS/NO OWN DAMAGE CLAIM SUBMITTED
7.1 If the Insured has no ed the Broker of a poten al claim, even if no own damage exists, or damage is less than the applicable excess check to see whether a valid claim document has been submi ed and, if not, advise the client to submit a completed claim form and suppor ng documents (for example the driver's licence).
7.1.1 The incident MUST s ll be reported to the SAPS.
7.1.2 Even if there is no damage to the insured vehicle, the sec on II excess is s ll payable and the client must be advised of this, at the ini al no ca on of the claim.
7.1.3 Once liability has been admi ed by Hollard, the Broker will be responsible for collec ng this excess from the Insured.
NOTE: If the sec on II excess applies, the knock-for-knock is not applicable.
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 27