Page 28 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 28

5.1.2 Documents to be submi ed, in addi on to the completed claim form, at the incep on of the claim, are the following: Copy of the original purchase invoice of the radio (if not factory-  ed):
a) Immediately check the policy to see whether the claimant has taken out addi onal cover should the radio exceed the normal claim price limits (refer to the applicable policy). A quote for repairs should any damages, other that the radio and windscreen have been caused:
a) If glass damages occurred, instruct the claimant to phone the authorised glazier.
b) If any other damages occurred, this is recorded as a sub-claim.
5.1.3 Ensure that all the informa on is available and that the es mate has been raised correctly.
5.1.4 Place the following on the  le: A claims checklist Ac on sheet A printout of the client's policy document details One hard copy of the claims printout A note of any other relevant informa on gleaned from the conversa on with the client (as noted on the ac on sheet).
The  of a radio
5.2.1 The claims technician must check the  le and establish what type of claim is being dealt with and become familiar with the procedures which are to be followed for the type of claim, a er comple ng the steps below: Ensure that documenta on for proof of cover and premium con rma on is on  le, for the speci c date of loss for which the claim is submi ed. Verify that the client has the appropriate cover for the type of claim submi ed, print a schedule and put on  le. Ensure that all the required documents are contained in the  le. If any documents are missing, take steps to obtain them. Documents should preferably be requested by le er/e-mail and a copy of the le er/e-mail should be kept on  le. Verify that the client has reported the the  to the police.
NOTE: Refer to the policy wording for the clarity of the excess.
5.2.2 Irrespec ve of whether the radio was a standard or non-standard make or factory-  ed model: Sa sfy yourself that the claim is valid. Ensure that the Sum Insured is adequate.
NOTE: It must be noted that if the radio was an op onal extra, the client should be in a posi on to supply the purchase invoice sta ng this. Should the client not be able to provide a valid copy/original purchase invoice, use your discre on on the validity of the claim.
5.2.3 Once this has been done as stated in and
Nego ate a replacement with an approved radio merchant. Send an authorisa on le er to the client.
Motor Claims Procedures
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Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016

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