Page 8 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 8
3.3 Check the claims history of the claimant to:
3.3.1 check informa on on proposal and verify;
3.3.2 determine whether there is a possible trend in the claimant's claim submission;
3.3.3 establish whether the previous claims (if any) can assist with the handling of the current claim (for example on a Stolen Vehicle claim, refer to the assessor's report on previous Own Damage claim for details on condi on of vehicle, alarm/mobiliser, radio, etc.);
3.3.4 advise Underwri ng in the event that a claimant is an undesirable risk. Discuss with Hollard prior to taking ac on.
3.4 If the claim form is incomplete, contact the Insured and arrange for the comple on thereof. Under no circumstances may you alter or complete the claim form. Supplement missing informa on on a separate sheet.
3.5 Check the claims printout and verify the following on the administra on system:
3.5.1 the es mates are correct and update same if necessary;
3.5.2 the claim type codes are correct and update same if necessary;
3.5.3 the excess has been calculated correctly and correct same if necessary;
3.5.4 the claim has been registered on the claims system, and that all the required informa on is completed and update same if necessary.
Advise/inform the claimant:
4.1.1 the claim form must be completed in full and verify that all the relevant informa on is supplied, i.e.: name of police sta on where case reported, as well as the case number and the name of the o cer who took down the details; names and addresses of any witnesses; names, addresses and registra on numbers of any other vehicle involved (if any); purpose for which the vehicle was being used at the me of the event; full details of any injuries sustained; return the fully completed claim form by e-mail (if possible), and therea er post the original completed claim form to the Broker, together with the relevant documents according to the type of claim.
In the case of a personal visit:
4.2.1 advise the claimant in comple ng a claim form;
NOTE: Under no circumstances may the Broker alter or complete any informa on on the claim form.
4.2.2 make photocopies of all original licence documents;
4.2.3 sign these as true copies; and
4.2.4 arrange with the claimant to forward any outstanding documents/informa on as soon as possible.
Where the claimant is unable to read or write, the Broker should endeavour to get an independent third party to assist the claimant in comple ng the claim form.
Inform the claimant of the procedures to be followed, depending on the claim type, i.e.:
4.4.1 Accident own damage
4.4.2 Stolen vehicle
4.4.3 Radio the
4.4.4 Windscreen/glass damage.
It is the responsibility of the Broker to ensure that costs are minimised and that the client's discomfort is kept to a minimum. If in doubt about any aspect, refer to Hollard.
4.3 4.4
General Procedures
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Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016