Page 7 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 7

General Procedures
2.2.10 Any Possible Rejec ons (Documents to be sent to Hollard in order to  nalise)
2.2.11 Stolen vehicles
For ALL stolen vehicle claims, a stolen vehicle data entry form needs to be completed and forwarded to Hollard –
An inves gator must be appointed on all stolen vehicle claims regardless of quantum. If the claim is below your mandate, the claim can be se led if all in order.
Should the claim exceed your mandate, the  le and all inves ga on reports and claims documents need to be reported to Hollard for authorisa on.
2.2.12 Forward original vehicle deregistra on and keys on stolen vehicles to Hollard
All the claims men oned above will s ll be required to be administered by the Hollard Team. However, the claims should be sent to Hollard either for no  ca on and record purposes or for authorisa on in order for you to proceed.
2.3 Technical assistance
When you are unsure of the course of ac on or how to handle claims
There may be situa ons where you are faced with an uncertainty. This may be in terms of either how to process a speci c claim or on the applica on of speci c condi ons of the policy. These claims can then be sent to Hollard in order to assist you in taking the correct ac on. Please always ensure that all claims documenta on is provided in order for Hollard to make a decision on the claim.
2.3.1 Claims documenta on required:
When referring a claim to Hollard
Always provide the following documenta on in order for Hollard to make a decision on the claims:
Claim form (fully completed)
Policy schedule
Premium con rma on
Assessor/loss adjuster's report with photos or addendums
Driver's licence in the case of a motor vehicle accident
Iden ty document in the case of foreigners or temporary residents in South Africa Technical reports
Claims history
Quantum documenta on
Inves gator's report
Any addi onal informa on that we may require to make a decision on the claim.
3.1 The claims technician must check the  le and establish what type of claim is being dealt with and become familiar with the procedures which are to be followed for the type of claim, a er comple ng the steps below:
3.1.1 Ensure that documenta on for proof of cover and premium con rma on is on  le, for the speci c date of loss for which the claim is submi ed.
3.1.2 Verify that the client has the appropriate cover for the type of claim submi ed, print a schedule and put on  le.
3.1.3 Ensure that all the required documents are contained in the  le. If any documents are missing, take steps to obtain them. Documents should preferably be requested by le er/e-mail and a copy of the le er/e-mail be kept on  le.
3.2 Check that the necessary steps have been ins tuted to have the claim processed as soon as possible (assessor/inves gator appointed, etc.).
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 5

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