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2024/2025                   Message
                                                 from the President
              ACMO Board of Directors

                      PRESIDENT                In this edition of Condo Manager Magazine, we delve into a topic of para-
                    Eric Plant, RCM          mount importance and perpetual relevance in our industry—legal issues in
                                                          condominium management. As professionals dedicated to the
                   VICE PRESIDENT                         stewardship of community living, we encounter an evolving
                    Juliet Atha, RCM
                                                          array of legal challenges that require not only our attention
                   PAST PRESIDENT                         but also our concerted effort to understand and navigate these
                  Katherine Gow, RCM                      complex landscapes effectively.
                                                           Legal challenges in condominium management are as diverse as
                     TREASURER               the communities we serve. They span a spectrum from compliance with ever-chang-
                  Sean Wilde, UE, RCM        ing provincial regulations and bylaws to the nuances of dispute resolution among
                                             residents or between residents and the board. Each scenario demands a unique
                      SECRETARY              approach, blending legal acumen with a deep understanding of human relations.
                 Catherine Murdock, RCM        The significance of staying informed cannot be overstated. Legislative changes,
                                             such as updates to the Condominium Act or changes in privacy laws, can have
             EXECUTIVE MEMBER  AT LARGE      sweeping implications for how we operate. It is our responsibility to ensure not
                    Mark Daye, RCM
                                             just compliance but also proactive adaptation to these changes. This ensures not
                     DIRECTORS               only the protection of the property and its residents but also the integrity of our
                   Ashlee Henry, RCM         management practices.
                                               Equally important is our approach to dispute resolution. As managers and board
                  Val Khomenko, RCM          members, how we handle conflicts can set the tone for community dynamics and
                                             impact our operations. It’s crucial to foster an environment where disputes are
                  Craig McMillan, RCM        resolved through transparency, fairness, and respect for all parties involved. This

                    John Recker, RCM         often requires a balance between legal obligations and the human elements of empa-
                                             thy and understanding.
                    Van Smith, RCM             Moreover, the role of technology in managing these legal aspects is becoming
                                             increasingly significant. Leveraging the right tools can aid in ensuring compliance,
                   Mark Marshall, RCM        maintaining records, and managing communications with precision and account-
                                             ability. It’s an area where ongoing education can yield substantial returns in efficiency
                 COMMITTEE CHAIRS:           and effectiveness.
                                               As we continue to navigate these challenges, let us also recognize the opportunities
                EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE          they present. Each legal obstacle overcome enhances our expertise and contributes to
                    Eric Plant, RCM          the professional development of our teams. It strengthens our communities, making
                                             them more resilient and harmonious places to live.
               MEMBERSHIP STANDARDS            In this issue, we have gathered insights from legal experts, seasoned property
                     COMMITTEE               managers, and industry leaders to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need.
                 Catherine Murdock, RCM        Thank you for your commitment to excellence in condominium management.
                                             Together, we are not just managing properties; we are fostering communities where
                    Eric Plant, RCM          people can thrive in security and peace. n

                                             Eric Plant, RCM
                                             ACMO President

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