Page 14 - Helena Chamber B2B Spring22
P. 14

                HOW DO WE EXPAND OUR
By McKinley Winkle
It is evident that our struggling workforce is affecting our community, and we have to start looking at
innovative ways to address our workforce needs. By having hard facts and data as a result of the Helena Area Labor Market Report, we can see the
discrepancy between supply and demand and where we may be able to bridge that gap. In the report it showed that out of those not in Montana’s labor force, 61% are due to retirement. Our workforce is
retiring faster than positions can be filled and a flood of knowledge and expertise is leaving with them. We need to be looking into inventive ways to enhance our workforce and provide our labor market with talented workers. A huge pool of talented individuals are our retirees, and we must show them that they are valued, wanted, and needed more than ever.
How do we reach this demographic and provide connections between retirees and businesses? The answer...brunch and LOTS of coffee. Helena WINS hosted the first Retiree Brunch on February 15th. With over 100 retirees in attendance and a handful of area employers, the event was a tremendous success. Employers were eager to be a part of this event and present part-time opportunities as well as their willingness to work with retirees to provide flexible scheduling. Walmart sponsored the brunch and presented as an employer along with the following: Florence Crittenton, St. Peter’s Health, Home Depot, Touchmark, Helena Independent Record, Stockman Bank, Rocky Mountain Development Council, Mountain-Pacific Quality Health, and Gayle Grimsrud State Farm Agent.
Employers were delighted to have quality people interested in the opportunities they had offered, and retirees felt valued and welcomed. The networking time was amazing and fostered great conversation, connection, and employment leads. Retirees were taking business cards, and employers were actively recruiting from an experienced, talented pool of our community.
The event was remarkable, and we are looking forward to hosting it annually and expanding our efforts within this demographic and talent pool. As a result of the event, we have had retirees that were in attendance
be hired by employers that were represented at the brunch! In addition to success stories, we have also received praise for the event itself and the efforts of Helena WINS. Below is a quote emailed after the event from one of the retirees in attendance.
“I attended the brunch today. Thank you for initiating and coordinating this informative event. Well done! I learned so much about services that are provided to our community. Very impressive. And there are a few potential part-time employment opportunities that would meet my desire to work during fall and winter months.
A win win for the employer and me. Thanks again for hosting the event!”
hired by one of our guest employers!
 Pictured is Pat Spencer (Retiree) who was
VISION: Catalyst for growth; Convener of leaders and influencers; Champion for a thriving community. MISSION: Engaging and supporting businesses to facilitate economic growth and community prosperity.

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