Page 23 - HEF Pen & Ink 2022
P. 23
Paris to Vegas
By Ryleigh Bushnell
Tree Painting By Hailey Cox
By Kayla Almquist
Childhood is taking my first steps. Trying and failing until I can walk.
Childhood is running from boys with cooties at recess. Giggling and acting like they’re a slimy worm.
Childhood is running through the sprinklers in summer. Getting our clothes soaked and hiding it from mom.
Childhood is dancing with the game Just Dance. Me and my siblings sweating because we tried so hard.
Childhood is playing YMCA basketball. Wearing colorful wristbands to know who I’m guarding.
Childhood is getting to have nap time at school. Being rewarded with candy if we’re quiet.
Childhood is wanting to grow up and rule the world. That way we could have dessert for breakfast.
By Gabriel Sova