Page 92 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 92
Rogue Community College
General Fund
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
(Non‐GAAP Budgetary Basis) ‐ Budget and Actual
For the year ended June 30, 2020
Variance ‐
Budgeted Amounts Positive
Original Final Actual (Negative)
State sources $ 9,563,217 $ 9,818,343 $ 11,350,891 $ 1,532,548
Local sources 14,453,862 14,453,862 14,502,672 48,810
Tuition and fees 12,925,917 12,925,917 12,439,857 (486,060)
Other revenue sources 566,853 566,853 664,629 97,776
Total revenues 37,509,849 37,764,975 38,958,049 1,193,074
Instruction 15,692,026 15,960,326 15,377,492 582,834
Instructional support services 4,012,118 4,157,722 4,037,120 120,602
Student services 6,441,917 6,614,029 5,954,810 659,219
Community services 191,687 191,687 144,136 47,551
College support services 8,874,944 9,064,223 7,808,419 1,255,804
Plant operations and maintenance 3,245,201 3,245,201 2,903,266 341,935
Contingency 2,570,115 1,594,820 0 1,594,820
Total expenditures 41,028,008 40,828,008 36,225,243 4,602,765
Revenues over (under) expenditures (3,518,159) (3,063,033) 2,732,806 5,795,839
Other financing sources (uses):
Transfers in 358,605 103,479 57,474 (46,005)
Transfers out (1,886,754) (2,086,754) (1,973,326) 113,428
Total other financing sources (uses) (1,528,149) (1,983,275) (1,915,852) 67,423
Revenues and other sources over (under)
expenditures and other uses (5,046,308) (5,046,308) 816,954 5,863,262
Fund balance, beginning of year 5,046,308 5,046,308 4,980,373 (65,935)
Fund balance, end of year $ 0 $ 0 $ 5,797,327 $ 5,797,327