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Normally, when you hear of sheikh kebabs,
you think and visualize hot tempting mutton Niru Gupta
kebabs. However, No matter what your
tastes or food preferences (for the various Niru Gupta, an author of 9 cookery books,
meats or veggies), there is a kebab to graduated with Economics Honours from
delight your taste buds! That's how many Bombay University. Cooking evolved as a
there are. Vegetables are always the most passion after marriage, and led to various
exciting part of the kebab since there are related activities like catering and classes.
so many that can be used and they really From there on to hosting Khaana Khazana
make the kebab with their color and variety on Zee TV for 6 months, and Meri Saheli
of taste. You can chop onions, all varieties on Star Plus, judging and demonstrating
of peppers, mushrooms, peas, cherry cookery programmes in Ladies’ clubs in
tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and Delhi and Kanpur. Niru wrote a monthly
eggplant. Just about any vegetables you column in ‘Sakhi’ a Hindi magazine by the
choose can turn into kebab. Dainik Jagran group for two years and
wrote occasionally for New Woman,
Ingredients:- published from Bombay. She has also
written articles for other magazines like
¯ Spinach, blanched and squeezed 500 g Upper Crust, Femina and Savvy. Niru
¯ Peas, boiled 500 g Gupta has been on the panel of,
¯ Green chilies, chopped 2 or to taste handling their cookery section and was the
¯ Ginger, chopped 1 tbsp cookery consultant on
¯ Salt 1 tsp or to taste Besides this she has hosted cookery
¯ Powdered black pepper ¼ tsp episodes for NDTV off and on.
¯ Bread slices, grated 2
¯ Chick pea flour to dust kebabs Cooking is definitely a passion for this self
¯ Oil to pan fry taught author, who believes in trying out
recipes 4-5 times before putting them in
Preparation:- print, knowing how disappointing it is to not
¯ Place the peas, spinach, ginger, green get the desired result after much effort!
chilies and bread in the blender and Enjoys getting her grandsons into the
puree. kitchen just to see their delight at
¯ Mix in the salt and black pepper. something they have produced.
¯ Shape the mixture into rounds and dust
with the chickpea flour.
¯ Heat a thin layer of oil in a frying pan
and brown the kebabs on both sides.
¯ Serve garnished with onion rings.
P.G. Better Living