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What Is Psoriasis and its triggers? Stress
Psoriasis is a skin condition which often A key trigger mentioned by most people
affects teenagers and young adults, was stress, although not for everyone.
although it can occur at any age. It's Stress can stem from different sources,
such as: studies and exams, arguments
characterized by skin cells that multiply and break-ups, jobs, being unemployed
up to 10 times faster than normal. As and money worries and more such like.
underlying cells reach the skin's surface
and die, their sheer volume causes Illness
raised, red plaques covered with white A few people noticed that psoriasis
scales. Psoriasis typically occurs on the outbreak every time they get sick--
particularly if it's a bad strep throat
knees, elbows, and scalp, and it can also infection, Being unwell or generally 'run
affect the torso, palms, and soles of the down' was a trigger and could be traced
feet. back to having a cough/cold, tonsillitis or
Causes of Psoriasis Symptoms You
Might Not Suspect Winter
A minor cut, a change in the weather, or a Winter can dry out the skin, Lack of much
stressful day might not lead to symptoms sunlight, more dry air make these triggers
worst, Moisturizes, Humidifiers and body
for most people, but for those with lotions help. In contrast, in summer hot,
psoriasis, it could trigger an itchy, burning sunny weather appears to help control
rash — known as psoriasis flare up. the symptoms of psoriasis in most
Psoriasis Triggers
While the underlying cause of psoriasis Alcohol.
stems from your body's immune system, Using alcohol may increase the chances
certain triggers can make symptoms of psoriasis flare-ups. The quantity of
worse or cause flare-ups. These psoriasis alcohol consumed matters, too Alcoholic
triggers are beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits
can trigger a psoriasis flare in some
people. Drinking beer in particular has
been linked to a higher risk for developing
psoriasis in women.
Certain medications
autoimmune response and can cause
a severe psoriasis attack. Medications
like beta-blockers (which are used for
high blood pressure), steroidal
medicines, and pills Lithium anti-
malarial quinidine. Always tell your
doctor if you have psoriasis if any of
these medications are being
P.G. Better Living