Page 4 - When_Others_Outcast_You.pdf
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just for appreciation or acknowledgment elevate to the level of Lord Rama.
from others that means you are not Those who do not understand this will
aware. And a person with awareness of perish. Be like Rama - be grateful for
cosmic system will appreciate you and even minutest help you received in the
love you for what you do. life.
If somebody does not approve or When the world tosses us out, the
acknowledge you or your work, it just Lord's ever-protecting hands are
means that person is ignorant. If always ready to save us. Remember,
somebody neglects or letting you down, the big works being performed by giant
that means he/she doesn't know about monkeys did not catch the Lord's
the divinity of cosmos. There is attention, but this little act of service
NOTHING in this universe that can be that was being performed with sincere
devotion ultimately won grace.
Each and everything has its own role to I also told the business owner to fill his
play. Even a small atom! If your boss, company with such little dedicated
husband or people around you cannot squirrels and sky rocket his results.
understand this truth, just have pity on
them. There is a story in Mahabharata about
the Sage Narada being born as a
We are doing our Karma for an inclusive worm. On the approach of a chariot the
universe. Just like a cell in human body, worm moved quickly away from its
the human is a cell in the Earth. The route lest its wheel should crush it to
cosmic intelligence will appreciate what death.
we do even it seems unimportant to the
ignorant lot around us. Seeing this, the King seated in the
chariot burst out into laughter.
Those who understand this truth will
The worm told him: “Oh King, there is
nothing to be laughed at in my action.
In every birth the body is much dear to
the atman. Just as you love your body I
also love and protect my body.”
You have a responsibility to your body
and the body of the universe. Don't
ever forget that. Let's do our little bit
irrespective of other's attitude. Why
should we deny our right to do
righteous things just because ignorant
people don't appreciate it?
P.G. Better Living