Page 2 - Indian passport
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Now To make travelling abroad                               tourist visa if you can provide visa
      easy for Indian travelers, there are                        application form, with photo, and a
    a number of countries these days                             proof of your financial stability.  Looking
    offering visa on arrival facility. Indian
    passport holders can travel to 58                            for business visa needs documents to
    countries, without visa or can get a visa                    prove your affiliation to an enterprise.
    on arrival.  The country list is based on
    the 193 members of United Nations
    and other six territories which belong to
    other countries.

    UAE now will grant a long-term, 10-year
    visa to specialists in Science.
    Medicine, research, students and
    investors.                                                   France
                                                                 Ready to go to France, you need not
    Also                                                         obtain an Airport transit visa now as

    To promote tourism, the UAE has                              long as you are transiting through the
    relaxed the visa rules during the period                     international zone of any airport in
    between July 15 and September 15
    each year, dependents under the age                          France
    of 18 get free visa accompanying their                       USA visa and Omen
    parents. A family vacation to be                             Now Indian travelers can get Oman              visa
    enjoyed in Abu Dhabi and Dubai                               on arrival after the nation relaxed rules for
                                                                 Indians. Oman visa for Indians (tourist
    Myanmar                                                      visa) will be granted for 30 days by paying
    Driving to Myanmar is no hassle free if                      20 Omani Riyal or Rs.3,700  to those who
    you procure e-visa two days in                               either reside or hold an entry visa to the
                                                                 United States, Canada
                                                                                             , Australia
                                                                                                          , United
    advance of your journey,  is displayed                       Kingdom, Japan      , or any of the Schengen
    while crossing the check post of                             nations.. You can travel with your wife and
    Myanmar.                                                     children.

    Saudi Arabia                                                 Israel

    As a moderate, Saudi Arabia Crown                            Reduced visa fee for Israel
    Prince, Mohammad Bin Salman, bringing                        With reduced visa fee from Indian
    some changes in the country's Muslim                         RS.100 TO Indian Rs. 1,100  for
    system. He announced that Saudi Arabia
    will issue Visa to women aged 25 and                         business, meeting or conference or
    above, even though these women visiting                      tourism ( B2 visa category) you can
    the country without a male chaperone.                        enjoy Israel with your family

    Japan                                                        Glimpse of Africa
    Planning to go to Japan, its easy now to                     Indian passport holder gets visa on arrival
       apply for a short-term multiple entry                        at Zimbabwe.

                        P.G. Better Living
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