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CliCk  AND WiN CoNtest

           Note: You can send as many                          Rules for participation:

           entries as you want. But we                           1.  Contestants residing only in USA,

           need ORIGINAL photos of the                               can participate.

           Shoot.                                                2.  Contest is for one month,

                                                                     September 1 to September 30,
           and send it at                                            2017.

                         3.  Email your entries as attachment

                                                                     at pgbetterliving@punditgroup.
                                                                     com. With name, age and

                                                                     address of the contestant.

                                                                 4.  PRIZES… Winner will get $25.
                                                                 5.  Pictures sent will not returned

                                                                     and may be printed in our

                                                                     PG BETTER LIVING eMagazine
                                    To win a
                                       prize                         if and when required.
                                     of $25                      6.  Winner will be notified in the
                                                                     October 2017 issue of the PG

                                                                     BETTER LIVING.

                                                                 7.  Winner will get the email
                                                                     announcing their winnings.

                                                                 8.  The Judge’s decision will be final.
                                                                 9.  You can also mail the card at

                                                                     75 RUFF CIRCLE

                                                                     GLASTONBUY, CT 06033
                                                                 10. But you must register yourself at


                                                                 11. Subscribe to FREE PG BETTER
                                                                     LIVING eMagazine.

                                                                          PG BETTER LIVING
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