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Do you feel dizzy when you stand up                          Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension:-

    after sitting for long? This maybe due to                    This type of hypotension occurs due to
    orthostatic hypotension.                                     an autonomic nervous system
                                                                 malfunction, where the nervous system
    What Is Orthostatic Hypotension?                             fails to adjust blood flow according to the
    Orthostatic hypotension also known as                        change in body position.
    postural hypotension is a form of low

    blood pressure that occurs when you                          This failure by the body to recognize how
    move from sitting or lying down to                           blood is to be distributed according to the
    standing up quickly. This drop in pressure                   body's position can be due to weak
    is caused as blood rushes from parts of                      nervous system or neurological damage
    your body towards the lower part of the                      caused by diseases like Parkinson's,
    body. This reduces blood circulation to                      Diabetic Neuropathy,
    the brain and can cause dizziness or
    even make you faint.                                         Multiple System Atrophy (MSA).

    The effects of orthostatic can last for a                     Non-Neurogenic Orthostatic
    few minutes after standing or even for a                     Hypotension:-
    longer period, which could be a serious                      This type is caused by reasons other
    sign of other underlying problems.                           thanneurological impairment to control
    Clinically, orthostatic hypotension is                       appropriate blood flow and can be
    identified when there is a decrease of                        countered with lifestyle changes to

    over 10 mm hg in blood pressure within                       reduce intensity. Causes of non-
    three minutes of standing.                                   neurogenic orthostatic hypotension are:

    Types of Orthostatic Hypotension:-                           Low Blood Volume:-

                                                                 Reduced blood viscosity can make it
    Orthostatic hypotension can be classified
    into neurogenic and non-neurogenic                           easier for blood to rush to parts when
    orthostatic hypotension. The causes  for                     changing position. This rushing may
    each are as follows:                                         leave other parts with a lack of blood
                                                                 flow, which is what causes temporary
                                                                 dizziness or numbness. Loss in blood

                                                                 volume can occur due to anemia, loss of
                                                                 blood, excessive sweating or

                                                                 Adrenal Insufficiency:-
                                                                 A lack of adrenaline production by the

                                                                 pituitary gland can cause low blood
                                                                 pressure. Adrenal deficiency can occur
                                                                 due to a severe attack on the immune

        P.G. Better Living
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