P. 176
Half a month earlier, the President had also issued
a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number
23 of 1959 concerning the Determination of Dan-
gerous Conditions as well as revoking Law no. In relation with the
74 of 1957 concerning the revocation of the “Re- economic and monetary
geling of de Staat van Oorlog en van Beleg” and
the stipulation of a “State of Danger” . turmoil and the
Government’s plan to
In relation with the economic and monetary tur- prepare a new budget, the
moil and the Government’s plan to prepare a new
budget, the DPR after the Presidential Decree of DPR after the Presidential
5 July 1959 also deemed it necessary to convene Decree of 5 July 1959 also
a new permanent committee called the Budget deemed it necessary to
Committee, which was formed for the duration of
the DPR’s term of office. The Budget Committee convene a new permanent
was obliged to: committee called the
1. Follow the preparation of the State Budget Budget Committee.
Plan (RAPBN) by the government from the
beginning, through establishing relation-
ships with relevant departments.
2. Provide opinion to the DPR regarding the
budget plan submitted by the President to
the DPR.
3. Follow the implementation of the approved budget.
4. Submit an opinion to the DPR regarding changes to the spending
5. Review budget accountability and provide reports to the DPR.
6. Provide opinion to the DPR regarding the results of the audit by the
Audit Board.
In addition, the procedure for discussing the State Budget Plan was also
determined in a different way from the previous period. Previously, the
procedure for discussing the State Budget Plan was set only when the
DPR was going to discuss the State Budget Plan. However, in the DPR af-
ter the Presidential Decree, discussions regarding the State Budget Plan
must follow a steady procedure, starting with discussions at the Budget
Committee, followed by discussions at the commission and in the DPR
Plenary Meeting. However, the new provisions regarding the State Bud-
get Plan in the DPR later turned out to be not working as expected. 169