P. 23

           IN INDONESIA

                                      However, additional troops would mean the Netherlands must allocate
                                      a more significant budget. Hence, in 1912, a suggestion was made to re-
                                      cruit an indigenous militia. This event became known as the Indie Weer-
                                      baar or the Resistant Indies movement.

                                      The Dutch East Indies Government rejected the idea at first. However,
                                      when World War I broke out in September 1914, the colonial government’s
                                      views shifted. Although the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies were
                                      not directly involved in World War I, the threat of war was felt by Dutch
                                      settlers in the colony, especially from Germany’s ally in Asia, Japan.

                                      The Indie Weerbaar idea was reconsidered. Many members of Budi Uto-
                                      mo, a youth organization, who were mainly Javanese, decided to become
                                      troops of the colonial army and campaign to form the militia.

                                      Budi  Utomo’s  central  administration  sent  Commissioner  Dwijosewoyo
                                      and Sastrowiyono in a campaign all over Java to support the plan.

                                      Other than Budi Utomo, Sarekat Islam also participated in the Indie Weer-
                                      baar campaign and acknowledged the importance of this idea. Sarekat
                                      Islam even demanded another matter: the need for a bumiputra repre-
                                      sentation in the Dutch East Indies Government.

                                      In a Sarekat Islam meeting in Surabaya, a vote to support the militia was
                                      prepared but did not take place. The vote, which Cokroaminoto proposed,
                                      was instead used as collateral to ensure the formation of volks vertegen-
                                      woordiging or a people’s representation. In other words, Cokroaminoto
                                      demanded an official body where the people of the Dutch East Indies
                                      could have freedom of speech before they could discuss an indigenous
           Mas Dwidjosuwojo, c. 1920.
                                      In 1915, Budi Utomo supported Sarekat Islam’s demand, and eventually,
           (Source: KITLV 7268)
                                      the Indie Weerbaar campaign turned into a movement for people’s repre-
                                      sentation. Dutch East Indies Governor-General Van Limburg Stirum gave
                                      hope to a discussion on matters surrounding the defense of the Indies by
                                      the indigenous organization.

                                      In July 1916, Comite Indie Weerbaar (the Indies Defense Committee) was
                                      formed with members consisting of representatives from Budi Utomo,
                                      Centrale Sarekat Islam (CSI), Regenten Bond (Regents Association), and
                                      associations  from  four  royal  territories,  including  Narpowandowo  (the
                                      Susuhunan area in Surakarta), Prinsen Bond Mataram (the Sultan area

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