P. 47

           IN INDONESIA

                                      SOETARDJO’S PETITION

                                                           ON  July  15,  1936,  Soetardjo  Kartohadikusumo
                                                           filed a petition, proposing that Indonesia should
                                                           be  independent  within  the  next  10  years,  al-
                                                           though it would still be within the boundaries as
           Soetardjo was very                              stipulated in Article 1 of the Grondwet (Constitu-

           confident in filing                             tion).  Article  1  of  the  Netherlands’  Constitution
                                                           stated that the Kingdom of Netherlands covered
           what he considered                              the Nederland (Netherlands), the Dutch East In-
           a reasonable petition                           dies, Suriname, and Curacao. Kasimo and Ratu-
                                                           langi supported the petition.
           to request autonomy

           for Indonesia to                                Another point of the petition was to urge the co-
                                                           lonial  government  to  hold  a  conference  where
           form an independent                             representatives from both the Netherlands and
           government. That                                the Dutch East Indies would attend under equal
                                                           position. The conference’s goal would be to joint-
           way, indigenous                                 ly design the plan for the next 10 years, to prepare

           people would receive                            the Dutch East Indies for autonomy, even though

           treatments equal to the                         it would still be a part of the Kingdom of Nether-
                                                           lands. The petition viewed the need for establish-
           Dutch citizens.                                 ing a royal council consisting of representatives
                                                           of the Netherlands and Indonesia to discuss the
                                                           relationship between the two within the frame-
                                                           work of the constitution and to consider the pos-
                                                           sibility for Indonesia to be equal to the Nether-

                                      Soetardjo’s petition had a juridical basis because Article 1 of the Nether-
                                      lands’ Constitution stated that the Kingdom of Netherlands covered the
                                      Netherlands, the Dutch East Indies, Suriname, and Curacao. In Soetard-
                                      jo’s view, the four regions should be equal, so he was very confident in
                                      filing what he considered a reasonable petition to request autonomy for
                                      Indonesia  to  form  an  independent  government.  That  way,  indigenous
                                      people would receive treatments equal to the Dutch citizens.

                                      Clearly, the petition provoked a fierce debate in the Volksraad. The dis-
                                      cussion on this hot issue lasted for a week until a vote was finally held on
                                      September 29, 1936. The vote resulted in 26 votes in favor and 20 against.

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