P. 97

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           Under Article 74 paragraph 1 of the RIS Consti-
                                                           tution, President Soekarno and state authorities
           The difference between                          must  appoint  three  cabinet-formateurs  on  De-

           RIS and the Republic                            cember 18, 1949. However, the cabinet formation
                                                           did not go as smoothly as the presidential elec-
           of Indonesia was in                             tion because many assembly members wanted

           their state institutions,                       more than three cabinet-formateurs. After delib-
                                                           eration, an agreement was reached for the Presi-
           namely the presence of                          dent of RIS to appoint four cabinet formateurs.

           a Senate representing                           The four formateurs were Drs. Mohammad Hatta,
                                                           Sultan  Hamengkubuwono  IX,  Ide  Anak  Agung
           the federal state,                              Gde Agung, and Sultan Hamid II.
           which is different                              Then, the President appointed Mohammad Hatta

           from the regional                               as Prime Minister. On December 19, 1949, Moh.

           representatives                                 Hatta successfully formed the RIS Cabinet, which
                                                           consisted of 14 portfolio ministries and three non-
           who represented the                             portfolio  ministries.  On  December  20,  1949,  as

           provinces.                                      the President of RIS, Soekarno inducted the RIS
                                                           Cabinet under the leadership of Prime Minister
                                                           Mohammad Hatta at the Concordia Building, Jl.
                                                           Sipayer (now Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo).

                                      After the Cabinet under Prime Minister Hatta had been formed, the next
                                      step was to appoint a RIS delegation to receive the transfer of sover-
                                      eignty in the Netherlands. The delegation consisted of Prime Minister
                                      and  Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs  Moh.  Hatta  as  head  of  the  delegation,
                                      with members including Prof. Dr. Supomo, Mr. Sujono Hadinoto, Mr. A.K.
                                      Pringgodigdo, and Moh. Jahja as scribes. On December 23, 1949, the del-
                                      egation led by Mohammad Hatta left for the Netherlands.

                                      The early months of the RIS administration were sometimes called the
                                      “RIS Constitution Period”, often also referred to as the RIS Provisional
                                      Constitution. The temporary nature as stated in Article 186: “The Con-
                                      stituent Assembly and the government shall immediately stipulate the
                                      Constitution of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia”. The for-
                                      mation of this constitution was considered a bit rushed, seemingly just to
                                      fulfill the requirements for forming a federal state, RIS.

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