P. 139

It can be also lead to the empowerment of citizens to reject corrupt practices and exposure of
               politicians and officials who engage in corrupt activities, which in turn provides parliamentarians
               the role to help establishing public standard of appropriate behaviour.

               Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen Besides the four ways that I explained, I would
               like to emphasize two other strategies that can significantly help Parliaments in its mission
               to fight corruption. The First Strategy  is improving capacity building for parliamentarians
               Improving capacity building is essential for parliamentarians to engage in anti-corruption
               efforts. In order to alienate corruption, parliaments can take the first necessary step to create
               clean and accountable environment inside the institution.

               In this regard, equipping parliamentarians with comprehensive knowledge on anti-corruption
               will strengthen the internal structure and prevent parliamentarians from doing misconduct in
               their offices.

               Inter-parliamentary network

               Furthermore, parliamentarians can prevent corruption by participating in the collective inter-
               parliamentary network. Fighting corruption can be more effective and taken more seriously if
               parliamentarians join together as a group, rather than standing up on its own.

               The Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) is an example of an
               international network of parliamentarians that focus solely on combating corruption. GOPAC
               aims to combat and prevent corruption by strengthening integrity in governance.

               The central focus of GOPAC is the development of practical tools and training for parliamentarians.
               It provides peer support to parliamentarians engaged in combating corruption throughout the
               world, information services as well as relevant training and education to promote methods for
               fighting corruption.

               Since its inception in 2002, GOPAC has been actively promoting the role of parliamentarians to
               make progress in deterring corruption through various projects and programs. GOPAC works
               with multiple partners and stakeholders in conducting specific anti-corruption programs and
               sector-specific anti-corruption interventions, such as:

               (i) Improving parliamentary oversight in the management of development aid and implementing
               the SDGs; (ii) Developing technological platform to measure anti- corruption performance of
               legislators; (iii) Grand corruption campaign; (iv) Strengthening international cooperation in
               facilitating the asset recovery efforts; and addressing (v) Women in parliament issues.

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