P. 176
Throughout the history, young people have undoubtedly participated, contributed, and even
catalyzed important changes in political systems and power-sharing dynamics. Hence, I do
believe that you, the young people, are surely able to accelerate this process and be the game-
changer in supporting SDGs.
As a final message, I would like to reiterate that at the end of the day, the only way to measure
the real success of SDGs is for people around the world to feel that their lives have markedly
improved. If they are faced with corruption in their daily lives, this will not happen. The
barometer of the success of the SDGs will be the number of real people, living real lives, who
say that they are not asked for a bribe, that the courts treat them fairly, that they can equally
access health care, sanitation, education and all basic public services. When corruptors stop
looting the states, then sustainable development will be a reality.
Let us work to help break the culture of corruption and impunity, and help ensure that
Parliament and other public institutions are accountable and trustworthy. I truly believe that
when Parliament and Parliamentarians are fully aware to the SDGs, each country will take its
Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia I 163