P. 189
Since early 2016, GOPAC in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank and the UNDP
have been developing a Parliamentary Handbook on the SDGs. This Parliamentary Handbook
will be the guideline to embed the SDGs into the work of parliaments and parliamentarians
including through the monitoring of any development assistance.
The handbook emphasizes our work of countering the possible corruption which by itself will
lead to the reduction of inequalities in the implementation of SDGs. It is sought to provide good
practices and various parliamentary initiatives from all over the world which may be useful for
lesson learned. I encourage all parliamentarians to make use of this Handbook, which will be
published soon.
As a final message, I wish to invite all members of parliaments to join GOPAC and establish
national and regional chapters, to take part in this global network and in our efforts to reduce
inequality by combating corruption. I wish to invite all parliaments that are interested to hold a
global gathering of parliamentarians who focus on the issues of anti-corruption. This year, it is
our time to once again assemble in joining global forces against corruption.
176 I Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia