P. 208

The Role of AIPA in The Age

                                                              of ASEAN Community

                                          On behalf of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, I would like to warmly
                                          welcome you to the 9  ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Caucus held in the capital of
                                          Indonesia, Jakarta. AIPA Caucus is a crucial mechanism to ensure that we are doing concrete
                                          efforts to implement the resolutions we have adopted in the General Assembly (GA) and to
                                          explore the possibility of initiatives on issues of common concerns.

                                          We have reached a significant progress of ASEAN development. Many initiatives have been
                                          established to further strengthen our regional community. At the same time, AIPA has delivered
                                          a greater response to such progress. The 37  General Assembly held last year, for example, has
                                          provided an avenue where many of our members shared their aspiration on ASEAN issues
                                          and reach consensus on constructive outcomes. I am sure that all AIPA Member Parliaments
                                          are committed to implement the resolutions  with a view that through our constitutional
                                          parliamentary mandates including the legislative, budgetary, oversight as well as representative
                                          roles, we have made important contribution to develop ASEAN Community under its three
                                          pillars: The Political Security, Economic and Socio-Cultural Pillars.

                                          I believe there have been questions on this year Caucus’ issues. Questions on the number of
                                          working groups that exceeded previous Caucus and the new initiative that we proposed: A
                                          Special Session focusing on the AIPA Capacity. Let me briefly elaborate why we opt to highlight
                                          these issues for the caucus.

                                          The underlying cause for this year Caucus theme entitled Strengthening Maritime Cooperation
                                          and Peaceful Resolution to Conflicts in ASEAN is that we are aware that the ocean is dominating
                                          our region. ASEAN is a region with 80% covered by the sea. Our sea provides opportunities
                                          to strengthen the regional community, an avenue for us to enhance ASEAN inter-state affairs.

                                               Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia  I 195
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