P. 216

Parliamentarians as the Key

                                                                     of SDGs Success

                                          It is an honor for me to welcome you all, fellow Parliamentarians, to be here in Nusa Dua today.
                                          Thank you for taking your time to attend this Partner Session, to discuss about “Implementing
                                          Parliamentary Engagement on SDGs.”

                                          On behalf of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption (GOPAC), allow
                                          me to extend my gratitude to the Westminster Foundation for Democracy  (WFD), United
                                          Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and United
                                          Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC); who work together with us for this special
                                          session.  I  hope  that our  discussion  could  be a  momentum  for  Parliamentarians  to gather,
                                          evaluate, and encourage their role in supporting the SDGs.

                                          Allow me to convey the issue of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and highlighting
                                          the reason of why Parliamentarians hold a pivotal role in ensuring successful achievement of
                                          that global development agenda. As we are all aware, SDGs — a wide-ranging roadmap to
                                          sustainability covering 17 goals and 169 targets — is ground breaking in its vision for a more
                                          inclusive, prosperous, and equal world. They now form the framework of the international
                                          system itself, and will be the metrics by which human progress will be measured.

                                          By  committing to the “leave  no  one  behind,” all stakeholders  are  expected to take part
                                          in implementing SDGs  at the local,  national, and  international levels.  This  includes
                                          Parliamentarians, which I believe are obviously at the forefront of those imperatives.

                                               Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia  I 203
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