P. 232

Promoting Cultural Pluralism

                                                        and Peace Through Inter-faith

                                                            and Inter-ethnic Dialogue

                                          Let me begin by expressing my highest appreciation to the hard work and dedication carried
                                          out by the Government and Parliament of the Russian Federation as well as the people of the
                                          Russian  Federation for the successful  organization of  the 137  IPU  General Assembly  and
                                          related meetings in St. Petersburg.

                                          Throughout history, religion and ethnicity  have become the key elements of identity  for
                                          many people. Based on our shared mission to promote global peace and pluralism, we have
                                          the responsibility to establish close  and respectful relationships with other people with
                                          different beliefs and ethnicities. This is the foundation for global peace, justice and sustainable
                                          development. In the same  direction, Indonesia  had organized the Parliamentary Event of
                                          Interfaith Dialogue in November 2012 which produced  the Bali Declaration in Promoting
                                          Interfaith and Intercultural Cooperation. The meeting demonstrated the commitment and the
                                          willingness of people of different faiths, beliefs and ethnicities to have constructive dialogues
                                          while promoting the spirit of mutual trust, respect, understanding and tolerance.  Also  in
                                          2012, we passed Law on Social Conflict Management which emphasizes the need to intensify
                                          dialogue among different communities in preventing conflicts.

                                          While many people have come to understand and value our differences, challenges remain.
                                          The most recent conflicts of our time were triggered  by ethnic discrimination or religious
                                          sentiments, which further exacerbated by the lack of education and shallow representation of
                                          religious values and cultural norms. Regrettably, this attitude has been passed on to the young
                                          generation, increasing the risk of violence in the forthcoming years.

                                               Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia  I 219
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