P. 24

Strengthening Peace and Security

                                                            in the Asia-Pacific Region

                                          First of all, allow me to express my appreciation to the National Assembly of Ecuador for the
                                          excellent organization of this Annual Meeting. My delegation and I are very pleased to be in
                                          the beautiful city of Quito and meeting with fellow parliamentarians from the Asia and Pacific
                                          region in this important and timely forum.

                                          Peace and security in Asia Pacific should not be taken for granted. Our region is not immune
                                          from both traditional and non-traditional security threats.

                                          The role of Parliament, hence, is also very central in conflict resolution, peace building and post-
                                          conflict reconstruction. Peace and security requires representation and accountability, and we
                                          have been mandated by those two functions. We are accustomed to hearing people’s concern
                                          and priorities. We have been trained to channeling multiple and multi-layers aspirations
                                          through hearing and debate in our chambers. We also have the mandate to translate the results
                                          into legislations that protect citizens from vulnerability to conflict.

                                          Without peace and security, any country or region would not be able to prosper and ensure
                                          economic development for the benefit of our people. Economic growth and political stability
                                          are deeply interconnected.

                                          Economic development, investment, cooperation may be hampered by uncertainties caused
                                          by unstable political environment. As the Asia and Pacific region continues to be the engine of
                                          world’s economic recovery, it is crucial for countries in the region to maintain regional peace
                                          and stability to attain these goals.

                                               Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia  I 11
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